Spartan Swill
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Where did my (where did my "where did my 'Colin Kapernick is a stupid black guy' thread go?" thread go?) thread go?

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Where did my (where did my "where did my 'Colin Kapernick is a stupid black guy' thread go?" thread go?) thread go? Empty Where did my (where did my "where did my 'Colin Kapernick is a stupid black guy' thread go?" thread go?) thread go?

Post by tTy 2016-09-02, 00:30

This forum is having technical issues.....

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Join date : 2014-05-10

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Where did my (where did my "where did my 'Colin Kapernick is a stupid black guy' thread go?" thread go?) thread go? Empty Re: Where did my (where did my "where did my 'Colin Kapernick is a stupid black guy' thread go?" thread go?) thread go?

Post by tTy 2016-09-02, 00:32


CK is a black guy
CK is stupid as fuck
CK is a stupid black guy

I don't understand why this is so offensive.

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Where did my (where did my "where did my 'Colin Kapernick is a stupid black guy' thread go?" thread go?) thread go? Empty Re: Where did my (where did my "where did my 'Colin Kapernick is a stupid black guy' thread go?" thread go?) thread go?

Post by TheReal_LWS 2016-09-12, 09:13

I will now kneel in a show of protest anytime race relations are mentioned.............

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Where did my (where did my "where did my 'Colin Kapernick is a stupid black guy' thread go?" thread go?) thread go? Empty Re: Where did my (where did my "where did my 'Colin Kapernick is a stupid black guy' thread go?" thread go?) thread go?

Post by SomeFanName 2016-09-12, 10:19

tTy wrote:Facts:

CK is a black guy

Is it? I'm not convinced.

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Where did my (where did my "where did my 'Colin Kapernick is a stupid black guy' thread go?" thread go?) thread go? Empty Re: Where did my (where did my "where did my 'Colin Kapernick is a stupid black guy' thread go?" thread go?) thread go?

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