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tbobs take on college football playoff

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tbobs take on college football playoff Empty tbobs take on college football playoff

Post by Blanch32 2016-11-30, 23:37

i hear all the calls and everything, and everyone is missing one simple point: the big ten east tie breaker is the issue, so this really a big ten problem to fix.

it should be osu vs Wisconsin for the rematch. don't like it? then osu and ufom need to be in opposite divisions and play earlier in the year.

fact is their rivalry is a play in game for the playoff. don't like it? win the fucking game.

as it stands, big ten champ and osu get in. no uofm, and no Washington if sos truly matters. why Washington's baylor level ooc schedule isn't being discussed is beyond me

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tbobs take on college football playoff Empty Re: tbobs take on college football playoff

Post by Herbie Green 2016-12-01, 09:09

So you would rather have the Big Ten tiebreaker decided by the playoff committee rather than who wins the head-to-head matchup?
Remember that one year when MSU was in a 3 way tie and there was no head-to-head so they went to BCS ranking and of course we got hosed. I believe MSU would have gone to the Rose Bowl if they didn't change the tiebreaker rule that season. That was great.

As for Washington, you make a good point. For all the talk about SOS it still seems you are often better off playing creampuffs.
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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tbobs take on college football playoff Empty Re: tbobs take on college football playoff

Post by Blanch32 2016-12-01, 09:18

Herbie Green wrote:So you would rather have the Big Ten tiebreaker decided by the playoff committee rather than who wins the head-to-head matchup?
Remember that one year when MSU was in a 3 way tie and there was no head-to-head so they went to BCS ranking and of course we got hosed. I believe MSU would have gone to the Rose Bowl if they didn't change the tiebreaker rule that season. That was great.

As for Washington, you make a good point. For all the talk about SOS it still seems you are often better off playing creampuffs.

not exactly. i don't like how the big ten gives favors to uofm and osu. you want to be in the same division and play in the last game of the year? fine, it should only bite you in the ass

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Join date : 2014-04-16

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tbobs take on college football playoff Empty Re: tbobs take on college football playoff

Post by Herbie Green 2016-12-01, 09:29

Ok put UM and OSU in seperate divisions but I think they did away with protected games?
All else equal If UM had been in the West it would be UM-PSU. If OSU was in the west it would be OSU-UM. Of course all else wouldn't be equal because they would have played different schedules
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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tbobs take on college football playoff Empty Re: tbobs take on college football playoff

Post by Blanch32 2016-12-02, 06:50

Herbie Green wrote:Ok put UM and OSU in seperate divisions but I think they did away with protected games?
All else equal If UM had been in the West it would be UM-PSU. If OSU was in the west it would be OSU-UM. Of course all else wouldn't be equal because they would have played different schedules

Correct, and they would have played in different months.

osu vs psu on a neutral field would be very interesting..

Posts : 11034
Join date : 2014-04-16

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