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the ugly head of intolerance

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the ugly head of intolerance Empty the ugly head of intolerance

Post by Green Note 2014-05-13, 11:22

Brendan Eich forced out at Mozilla for $1,000 contribution to support proposition 8 in California (marriage is between a man and a women) which passed in a vote.

Warren Buffett has given $1.2 billion to abortion groups. Nothing will happen to Buffett.

Green Note
Green Note

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Join date : 2014-04-27

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the ugly head of intolerance Empty Re: the ugly head of intolerance

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2014-05-13, 11:35

I'm not a fan of Ann Coulter, either.. but she has every right to be an ugly head of intolerance.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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the ugly head of intolerance Empty Re: the ugly head of intolerance

Post by Turtleneck 2014-05-13, 14:19

Green Note wrote:Brendan Eich forced out at Mozilla for $1,000 contribution to support proposition 8 in California (marriage is between a man and a women) which passed in a vote.

Warren Buffett has given $1.2 billion to abortion groups. Nothing will happen to Buffett.

So what? It was a response to citizen activism and protest within the Mozilla Foundation, right? I don't see the problem. It happens. Do you want government to somehow rectify the situation?

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the ugly head of intolerance Empty Re: the ugly head of intolerance

Post by MasonGuy 2014-05-13, 15:18

I like the idea that no one gets to support anything different than what I want to support. That way we will all go to the Cancun Grill and order Enchiladas Verde...ah!

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the ugly head of intolerance Empty Re: the ugly head of intolerance

Post by xsanguine 2014-05-13, 16:09

Green Note wrote:Brendan Eich forced out at Mozilla for $1,000 contribution to support proposition 8 in California (marriage is between a man and a women) which passed in a vote.

Warren Buffett has given $1.2 billion to abortion groups. Nothing will happen to Buffett.

I think it's pretty obvious why.

Being against gay marriage is just being a petty asshole. It's clear as day... there's absolutely no reason for anyone to oppose letting any two consenting adults enter into a legally binding contract.

Now, aside from that... you might have a case regarding opposition to abortion (I lean pro-choice, fyi)... but I'll never under opposition to gay marriage, rights, etc.

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