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What do Joe Garagiola and Ken Howard have in common?

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What do Joe Garagiola and Ken Howard have in common? Empty What do Joe Garagiola and Ken Howard have in common?

Post by Floyd Robertson 23/03/16, 05:51 pm

A. They're both dead as of today.

Floyd Robertson
Floyd Robertson

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What do Joe Garagiola and Ken Howard have in common? Empty Re: What do Joe Garagiola and Ken Howard have in common?

Post by NigelUno 23/03/16, 06:08 pm

2 threads on tSwill?

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What do Joe Garagiola and Ken Howard have in common? Empty Re: What do Joe Garagiola and Ken Howard have in common?

Post by Dr. Strangelove 23/03/16, 06:23 pm

Well since Floyd posted first and didn't misspell "Shadow" I'd say it's all your fucking fault Nigel.
Dr. Strangelove
Dr. Strangelove

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What do Joe Garagiola and Ken Howard have in common? Empty Re: What do Joe Garagiola and Ken Howard have in common?

Post by NigelUno 23/03/16, 06:27 pm

Dr. Strangelove wrote:Well since Floyd posted first and didn't misspell "Shadow" I'd say it's all your fucking fault Nigel.

My fault?


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What do Joe Garagiola and Ken Howard have in common? Empty Re: What do Joe Garagiola and Ken Howard have in common?

Post by Turtleneck 23/03/16, 06:46 pm

Dr. Strangelove wrote:Well since Floyd posted first and didn't misspell "Shadow" I'd say it's all your fucking fault Nigel.

MSU losing to MTSU was also partially Nigel's fault. I hate talking bad about Nigel since he is no longer with us, but it has to be said.

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What do Joe Garagiola and Ken Howard have in common? Empty Re: What do Joe Garagiola and Ken Howard have in common?

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