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Kid tweets about killing his roommates

Other Teams Pursuing That
Tim Wakefield
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Kid tweets about killing his roommates Empty Kid tweets about killing his roommates

Post by Tim Wakefield 2016-08-22, 21:23

...and actually does it. I better be cool with the random dude I'm living with this year Shocked

Tim Wakefield
Tim Wakefield

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Kid tweets about killing his roommates Empty Re: Kid tweets about killing his roommates

Post by Tim Wakefield 2016-08-22, 21:24

Oops sorry that's the Spanish one Kid tweets about killing his roommates 502811600

Here's the English one:
Tim Wakefield
Tim Wakefield

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Kid tweets about killing his roommates Empty Re: Kid tweets about killing his roommates

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2016-08-22, 21:38

Please don't kill your roommate wake. We don't want to be on screenshot in a news article next year - wouldn't want anyone knowing the dude was a Michigan fan.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Kid tweets about killing his roommates Empty Re: Kid tweets about killing his roommates

Post by NigelUno 2016-08-22, 21:40

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:Please don't kill your roommate wake. We don't want to be on screenshot in a news article next year - wouldn't want anyone knowing the dude was a Michigan fan.

Or a racist.

Or a homophobe.

Or a Trump supporter.

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Kid tweets about killing his roommates Empty Re: Kid tweets about killing his roommates

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2016-08-22, 21:50

So anyways wake I've had two random roommates. One was a senior still living in the dorms. Do I have to say more? Got the fuck outta there after a week.

Second time, me and 2 others you know and then one random. Was not terrible, definitely not as bad as we acted like he was. Clean freak. Little too mature. Didn't have many friends so followed us around a bit.

How did you get in contact with this random?
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Kid tweets about killing his roommates Empty Re: Kid tweets about killing his roommates

Post by Tim Wakefield 2016-08-22, 21:55

Posted an ad on some MSU sponsored roommate search and said "Need a roommate for the fall, less than $600/month preferred blah blah blah, and if you don't like sports/drinking don't bother hitting me up". He seemed chill enough when I first met him. Little did I know he was a fuckin UM fan. Oh well..the shit talking could be fun. Oh and he's only 20 so he won't be following me around to the bars. I'm chill enough to get along with anyone I think
Tim Wakefield
Tim Wakefield

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Kid tweets about killing his roommates Empty Re: Kid tweets about killing his roommates

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2016-08-22, 22:30

Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Kid tweets about killing his roommates Empty Re: Kid tweets about killing his roommates

Post by CORNER BLITZ 2016-08-22, 22:41

Tim Wakefield wrote:Posted an ad on some MSU sponsored roommate search and said "Need a roommate for the fall, less than $600/month preferred blah blah blah, and if you don't like sports/drinking don't bother hitting me up". He seemed chill enough when I first met him. Little did I know he was a fuckin UM fan. Oh well..the shit talking could be fun. Oh and he's only 20 so he won't be following me around to the bars. I'm chill enough to get along with anyone I think

Kid tweets about killing his roommates 502811600 Kid tweets about killing his roommates 502811600 that sucks

Would make the last 10 seconds my ringtone/notifications and blare that shit all day Kid tweets about killing his roommates 1837765953 Kid tweets about killing his roommates 1837765953

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Kid tweets about killing his roommates Empty Re: Kid tweets about killing his roommates

Post by Tim Wakefield 2016-08-27, 10:23

Update: roomie is all moved in. Pros and cons:

-Stoner. Love living with stoners. So chill
-Likes sports almost as much as I do
-Cool with me having friends over/getting drunk
-Brought a giant TV for the living room

-UM fan
-I have to wear pants now
-UM fan

Funny story. I got back from work last night and he was unpacking some groceries...from WALMART. Perfect Kid tweets about killing his roommates 1966794946
Tim Wakefield
Tim Wakefield

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Kid tweets about killing his roommates Empty Re: Kid tweets about killing his roommates

Post by Guest 2016-08-27, 10:40

Tim Wakefield wrote:Update: roomie is all moved in. Pros and cons:

-Stoner. Love living with stoners. So chill
-Likes sports almost as much as I do
-Cool with me having friends over/getting drunk
-Brought a giant TV for the living room

-UM fan
-I have to wear pants now
-UM fan

Funny story. I got back from work last night and he was unpacking some groceries...from WALMART. Perfect Kid tweets about killing his roommates 1966794946

How the fuck does a UM fan go to MSU? I've never understood that.

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Kid tweets about killing his roommates Empty Re: Kid tweets about killing his roommates

Post by tGreenWay 2016-08-27, 10:56

LooseGoose wrote:
Tim Wakefield wrote:Update: roomie is all moved in. Pros and cons:

-Stoner. Love living with stoners. So chill
-Likes sports almost as much as I do
-Cool with me having friends over/getting drunk
-Brought a giant TV for the living room

-UM fan
-I have to wear pants now
-UM fan

Funny story. I got back from work last night and he was unpacking some groceries...from WALMART. Perfect Kid tweets about killing his roommates 1966794946

How the fuck does a UM fan go to MSU? I've never understood that.

That should be a question on the admission application.
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Kid tweets about killing his roommates Empty Re: Kid tweets about killing his roommates

Post by InTenSity 2016-08-27, 11:20

LooseGoose wrote:
Tim Wakefield wrote:Update: roomie is all moved in. Pros and cons:

-Stoner. Love living with stoners. So chill
-Likes sports almost as much as I do
-Cool with me having friends over/getting drunk
-Brought a giant TV for the living room

-UM fan
-I have to wear pants now
-UM fan

Funny story. I got back from work last night and he was unpacking some groceries...from WALMART. Perfect Kid tweets about killing his roommates 1966794946

How the fuck does a UM fan go to MSU? I've never understood that.
Tdud can probably answer that.

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Kid tweets about killing his roommates Empty Re: Kid tweets about killing his roommates

Post by CheesySpartan 2016-08-29, 13:25

InTenSity wrote:
LooseGoose wrote:

How the fuck does a UM fan go to MSU? I've never understood that.
Tdud can probably answer that.

Or Bob...

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Kid tweets about killing his roommates Empty Re: Kid tweets about killing his roommates

Post by Turtleneck 2016-08-29, 13:31

InTenSity wrote:
LooseGoose wrote:

How the fuck does a UM fan go to MSU? I've never understood that.
Tdud can probably answer that.

tDude or Doug Karsch. Wait, are they the same person?

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Kid tweets about killing his roommates Empty Re: Kid tweets about killing his roommates

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2016-08-29, 14:23

CheesySpartan wrote:
InTenSity wrote:
Tdud can probably answer that.

Or Bob...
I don't really keep up with sports.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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