Spartan Swill
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Putin Critic Silenced

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Article Putin Critic Silenced

Post by Floyd Robertson 2016-08-28, 19:50

Russian journalist critical of Vladimir Putin found dead on his birthday with gunshot wound to head

Officials have speculated that his death was caused by suicide, after a gun was found near his body along with spent cartridges, and the door to his apartment was said to be locked.

Floyd Robertson
Floyd Robertson

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Article Re: Putin Critic Silenced

Post by InTenSity 2016-08-28, 20:29

Was it two years ago a political opponent of Putin committed suicide by shooting himself in the back 4 times while jumping off a bridge into freezing water?

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Article Re: Putin Critic Silenced

Post by Turtleneck 2016-08-28, 20:30

I admire how Putin handles the media.


Donald J. Trump

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Article Re: Putin Critic Silenced

Post by Guest 2016-08-28, 20:31

The Swill could learn something from this on how to handle critics.

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Article Re: Putin Critic Silenced

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2016-08-29, 08:09

(CNN) - Donald Trump has said that he would "get along very well" with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The feeling is apparently mutual.

Putin offered high praise for the billionaire businessman-turned-Republican presidential front-runner on Thursday during an annual news conference with reporters.

"He is a bright and talented person without any doubt," Putin said, adding that Trump is "an outstanding and talented personality."
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Article Re: Putin Critic Silenced

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