Spartan Swill
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How Can Hillary Take Our Guns Away if Obama Has Already Taken Them All..

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How Can Hillary Take Our Guns Away if Obama Has Already Taken Them All..  Empty How Can Hillary Take Our Guns Away if Obama Has Already Taken Them All..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2016-09-22, 08:54

or were republicans and the NRA lying about Obama wanting to confiscate our guns??

How Can Hillary Take Our Guns Away if Obama Has Already Taken Them All..  2599972566
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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How Can Hillary Take Our Guns Away if Obama Has Already Taken Them All..  Empty Re: How Can Hillary Take Our Guns Away if Obama Has Already Taken Them All..

Post by SomeFanName 2016-09-22, 15:40

Right to bear arms doesn't explicitly imply only guns. I'd be throwin grenades but no, those damn republicans took that from me.


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How Can Hillary Take Our Guns Away if Obama Has Already Taken Them All..  Empty Re: How Can Hillary Take Our Guns Away if Obama Has Already Taken Them All..

Post by GRR Spartan 2016-09-22, 17:52

Over 7 freakin' years and am beginning to think I wasted a month of weekends digging that 10x10 sub basement and installing a door under the dyer. Damned near killed myself putting that Liberty safe in there.

But no one has showed up to take my guns.
GRR Spartan
GRR Spartan

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How Can Hillary Take Our Guns Away if Obama Has Already Taken Them All..  Empty Re: How Can Hillary Take Our Guns Away if Obama Has Already Taken Them All..

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