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anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime?

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anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime? Empty anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime?

Post by Blanch32 28/10/16, 10:12 am

for that is my only hope. this one else would go down for the ages....

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anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime? Empty Re: anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 28/10/16, 12:26 pm

I am hopeful, Blanch.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime? Empty Re: anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime?

Post by DWags 28/10/16, 12:31 pm

Good stuff, well thought out, a fresh take.

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anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime? Empty Re: anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime?

Post by Herbie Green 28/10/16, 01:00 pm

I think there could be some truth to this. Dantonio planned to keep everything vanilla until the UM and OSU games. Now he didn't plan on losing all those games because he overestimated the talent level. But he very well could still have the secret offense and defense to unleash.
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime? Empty Re: anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime?

Post by Blanch32 28/10/16, 02:05 pm

DWags wrote:Good stuff, well thought out, a fresh take.

Just look at that osu game last year. no way we win without the perfect gameplan. one we have yet to use this year mysteriously

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anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime? Empty Re: anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime?

Post by Blanch32 28/10/16, 02:06 pm

Herbie Green wrote:I think there could be some truth to this. Dantonio planned to keep everything vanilla until the UM and OSU games. Now he didn't plan on losing all those games because he overestimated the talent level. But he very well could still have the secret offense and defense to unleash.

....and technically we are still in bowl contention so no reason to panic yet......I suppose

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anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime? Empty Re: anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 28/10/16, 02:07 pm

Blanch32 wrote:
DWags wrote:Good stuff, well thought out, a fresh take.

Just look at that osu game last year. no way we win without the perfect gameplan. one we have yet to use this year mysteriously

I think it's too late to implement all of our former defensive and offensive linemen, Blanch.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime? Empty Re: anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime?

Post by Blanch32 28/10/16, 03:50 pm

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:
Blanch32 wrote:

Agreed, but that has nothing to do with qb keepers and a short quick passing game...

Just look at that osu game last year. no way we win without the perfect gameplan. one we have yet to use this year mysteriously

I think it's too late to implement all of our former defensive and offensive linemen, Blanch.

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anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime? Empty Re: anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime?

Post by DWags 28/10/16, 05:18 pm

Blanch32 wrote:
DWags wrote:Good stuff, well thought out, a fresh take.

Just look at that osu game last year. no way we win without the perfect gameplan. one we have yet to use this year mysteriously

Good point again. I think they probably didn't want to use a good game plan against BYU or Indiana. That would have tipped their hand to Michigan. Using a crappy one surrounds our team in mystery.

I have to admit, now that you have your own board, I'm reading your posts for content. They're really genius. You think on a higher plain than most.

Have you maybe thought of sports casting? Maybe be a GM for some professional team? Just a thought.

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anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime? Empty Re: anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime?

Post by Herbie Green 28/10/16, 06:52 pm

DWags wrote:
Blanch32 wrote:

Just look at that osu game last year. no way we win without the perfect gameplan. one we have yet to use this year mysteriously

Good point again. I think they probably didn't want to use a good game plan against BYU or Indiana. That would have tipped their hand to Michigan. Using a crappy one surrounds our team in mystery.

I have to admit, now that you have your own board, I'm reading your posts for content. They're really genius. You think on a higher plain than most.

Have you maybe thought of sports casting? Maybe be a GM for some professional team? Just a thought.

Yet this was a widely held opinion after the Furman game. In fact, I was called a "f***ing idiot" for disagreeing.
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime? Empty Re: anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime?

Post by DWags 28/10/16, 07:02 pm

Herbie Green wrote:
DWags wrote:

Good point again. I think they probably didn't want to use a good game plan against BYU or Indiana. That would have tipped their hand to Michigan. Using a crappy one surrounds our team in mystery.

I have to admit, now that you have your own board, I'm reading your posts for content. They're really genius. You think on a higher plain than most.

Have you maybe thought of sports casting? Maybe be a GM for some professional team? Just a thought.

Yet this was a widely held opinion after the Furman game. In fact, I was called a "f***ing idiot" for disagreeing.

You both are almost like visionaries. Very impressive. Throw in Vlad and this board will control traffic.

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anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime? Empty Re: anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime?

Post by Herbie Green 28/10/16, 07:11 pm

DWags wrote:
Herbie Green wrote:

Yet this was a widely held opinion after the Furman game. In fact, I was called a "f***ing idiot" for disagreeing.

You both are almost like visionaries. Very impressive. Throw in Vlad and this board will control traffic.

Yeah, but it is more fun to have all the restless natives getting upset. Vlad's thread went what 250 posts on the main board? Probably some of the most entertaining stuff in some time and then you want to get rid of it? Yet even after you move it here you can't help but stick around. But I don’t think many others are going to follow suit. They are genuinely pissed off and not going to stop until the board is reduced to 10 people circle jerking all day to bad comedy.
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime? Empty Re: anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime?

Post by DWags 28/10/16, 07:19 pm

Herbie Green wrote:
DWags wrote:

You both are almost like visionaries. Very impressive. Throw in Vlad and this board will control traffic.

Yeah, but it is more fun to have all the restless natives getting upset. Vlad's thread went what 250 posts on the main board? Probably some of the most entertaining stuff in some time and then you want to get rid of it? Yet even after you move it here you can't help but stick around. But I don’t think many others are going to follow suit. They are genuinely pissed off and not going to stop until the board is reduced to 10 people circle jerking all day to bad comedy.

Well thought out. Thanks for taking the time.

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anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime? Empty Re: anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime?

Post by Blanch32 29/10/16, 12:57 am

DWags wrote:
Blanch32 wrote:

Just look at that osu game last year. no way we win without the perfect gameplan. one we have yet to use this year mysteriously

Good point again. I think they probably didn't want to use a good game plan against BYU or Indiana. That would have tipped their hand to Michigan. Using a crappy one surrounds our team in mystery.

I have to admit, now that you have your own board, I'm reading your posts for content. They're really genius. You think on a higher plain than most.

Have you maybe thought of sports casting? Maybe be a GM for some professional team? Just a thought.

Nah. this is just a hobby for me. making it a job sucks all the joy out of it

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anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime? Empty Re: anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime?

Post by xsanguine 29/10/16, 07:43 am

Herbie Green wrote:

Yeah, but it is more fun to have all the restless natives getting upset.

Geez man. Settle down on the racism

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anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime? Empty Re: anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime?

Post by Blanch32 29/10/16, 11:45 am

Herbie Green wrote:
DWags wrote:

You both are almost like visionaries. Very impressive. Throw in Vlad and this board will control traffic.

Yeah, but it is more fun to have all the restless natives getting upset. Vlad's thread went what 250 posts on the main board? Probably some of the most entertaining stuff in some time and then you want to get rid of it? Yet even after you move it here you can't help but stick around. But I don’t think many others are going to follow suit. They are genuinely pissed off and not going to stop until the board is reduced to 10 people circle jerking all day to bad comedy.

Disagree. they'll all be here. trust me on this Herbie. bonars simply cannot help themselves

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anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime? Empty Re: anyone else think dantonio is laying the greatest mouse trap of alltime?

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