Spartan Swill
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Why isn't this lady in office??!?! She has my vote, she'd obviously get things done in Detroit

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Why isn't this lady in office??!?!  She has my vote, she'd obviously get things done in Detroit Empty Why isn't this lady in office??!?! She has my vote, she'd obviously get things done in Detroit

Post by DWags 2014-05-24, 15:11

Oh, hells' yeah.


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Why isn't this lady in office??!?!  She has my vote, she'd obviously get things done in Detroit Empty Re: Why isn't this lady in office??!?! She has my vote, she'd obviously get things done in Detroit

Post by Rodeo Burger 2014-05-24, 15:50

I like her. She needs a talk show ASAP.
Rodeo Burger
Rodeo Burger

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Why isn't this lady in office??!?!  She has my vote, she'd obviously get things done in Detroit Empty Re: Why isn't this lady in office??!?! She has my vote, she'd obviously get things done in Detroit

Post by DWags 2014-05-24, 16:18

Rodeo Burger wrote:I like her. She needs a talk show ASAP.

She'd straighten peoples shit right out.

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Age : 63
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Why isn't this lady in office??!?!  She has my vote, she'd obviously get things done in Detroit Empty Re: Why isn't this lady in office??!?! She has my vote, she'd obviously get things done in Detroit

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