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is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb?

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is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb? Empty is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb?

Post by Blanch32 2016-10-31, 07:48

when compared to TOC? how about shultz? to me, TOC is the worst qb in my msu fan hood and it's not even close. what a complete fLuke that osu win was, and why this dude was even in the qb competition of 2012 is beyond me.

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is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb? Empty Re: is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb?

Post by Blanch32 2016-10-31, 07:49

....makes me question our qb evaluation process

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is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb? Empty Re: is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb?

Post by DWags 2016-10-31, 08:11

Blanch32 wrote:....makes me question our qb evaluation process

You mean the one that has put five QB's into the NFL?  

Yeah, I'm not liking that process very well.  Fucking Two QB's out of the last 7 starters aren't NFL QB's.  I don't see how our coaches can show their faces.  Once again, Blanch, this is why you need your own board, you are cutting edge and see through the facade of MSU having 5 current NFL QB's.   Thanks for opening my eyes up

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is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb? Empty Re: is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb?

Post by Blanch32 2016-10-31, 08:43

DWags wrote:
Blanch32 wrote:....makes me question our qb evaluation process

You mean the one that has put five QB's into the NFL?  

Yeah, I'm not liking that process very well.  Fucking Two QB's out of the last 7 starters aren't NFL QB's.  I don't see how our coaches can show their faces.  Once again, Blanch, this is why you need your own board, you are cutting edge and see through the facade of MSU having 5 current NFL QB's.   Thanks for opening my eyes up

Dwags, my point is simple:

connor cook should have never once been in any competition of any sorts against either maxwell or TOC. one is at the best of the spectrum of the past 25 years and the other 2 are at the opposite.

look, im glad we got the talent, and the cream does rise to the top, but my God, is our process broken. can you at least agree with that?

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is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb? Empty Re: is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb?

Post by Herbie Green 2016-11-02, 12:09

I would take all three of these guys over Maxwell. Give this team the 2012 defense and we would be 8-4 at worst.
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Herbie Green

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is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb? Empty Re: is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb?

Post by Blanch32 2016-11-02, 12:19

Herbie Green wrote:I would take all three of these guys over Maxwell. Give this team the 2012 defense and we would be 8-4 at worst.

completely disagree. maxwell never threw ints, and regularly hit the wr in the hands. Complete opposite of tOc. throws are so off, I think there has been 1 drop all season

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is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb? Empty Re: is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb?

Post by DWags 2016-11-02, 12:29

Blanch32 wrote:
DWags wrote:

You mean the one that has put five QB's into the NFL?  

Yeah, I'm not liking that process very well.  Fucking Two QB's out of the last 7 starters aren't NFL QB's.  I don't see how our coaches can show their faces.  Once again, Blanch, this is why you need your own board, you are cutting edge and see through the facade of MSU having 5 current NFL QB's.   Thanks for opening my eyes up

Dwags, my point is simple:

connor cook should have never once been in any competition of any sorts against either maxwell or TOC.  one is at the best of the spectrum of the past 25 years and the other 2 are at the opposite.

look, im glad we got the talent, and the cream does rise to the top, but my God, is our process broken.  can you at least agree with that?

TOC and Terry haven't developed like we wanted them to.  Two misses.  Wjhen Terry was a freshman, everybody wanted him to start because they heard he did well in practice.   weird isn't it.

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is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb? Empty Re: is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb?

Post by Blanch32 2016-11-02, 13:40

DWags wrote:
Blanch32 wrote:

Dwags, my point is simple:

connor cook should have never once been in any competition of any sorts against either maxwell or TOC.  one is at the best of the spectrum of the past 25 years and the other 2 are at the opposite.

look, im glad we got the talent, and the cream does rise to the top, but my God, is our process broken.  can you at least agree with that?

TOC and Terry haven't developed like we wanted them to.  Two misses.  Wjhen Terry was a freshman, everybody wanted him to start because they heard he did well in practice.   weird isn't it.

And I was not one of them. same for weaver today too.

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is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb? Empty Re: is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb?

Post by DWags 2016-11-02, 13:45

Blanch32 wrote:
DWags wrote:

TOC and Terry haven't developed like we wanted them to.  Two misses.  Wjhen Terry was a freshman, everybody wanted him to start because they heard he did well in practice.   weird isn't it.

And I was not one of them.  same for weaver today too.  

Honestly though, on the other board, people would get as passionate as I've ever heard about how Terry should start.  Sight unseen, never once saw him throw a ball, but they heard reports from camp.   It's insane

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is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb? Empty Re: is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2016-11-02, 14:21

Also, wags, like Bob likes to point out, we also chanted " We want Terry " is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb? 502811600
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb? Empty Re: is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb?

Post by DWags 2016-11-02, 14:29

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:Also, wags, like Bob likes to point out, we also chanted " We want Terry " is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb? 502811600

So true.  Can you imagine how bad his accuracy would be back then if it's this bad now?  I get how people are entitled to their opinion, I completely understand that.    They pay money, they get ot bitch and shit.  But When we have a proven coach like Dantonio, I don't get how they are so positive they know exactly who should start cause "they heard things".

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is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb? Empty Re: is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb?

Post by Blanch32 2016-11-05, 14:21

bump this isn't even debatable. Bob, lock this thread

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is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb? Empty Re: is it fair to say maxwell was the better qb?

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