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if we lost to osu in 1998....

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if we lost to osu in 1998.... Empty if we lost to osu in 1998....

Post by Blanch32 Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:25 am

....would we have fired Saban? would dantonio still eventually become our HC? would Saban be at bama? if not would we have won the title last year?

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if we lost to osu in 1998.... Empty Re: if we lost to osu in 1998....

Post by Blanch32 Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:26 am

....would Mark Ingram gone to msu instead? would JLS still be our coach?

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if we lost to osu in 1998.... Empty Re: if we lost to osu in 1998....

Post by Herbie Green Thu Nov 03, 2016 8:08 pm

That is an interesting question. I don't think we would have had BW or JLS as coach. Dantonio and Saban would have gone on to success somewhere because the cream eventually rises to the top.

What if Mateen didn't come to MSU?
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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if we lost to osu in 1998.... Empty Re: if we lost to osu in 1998....

Post by Death Roe Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:07 pm

What if Blanch didn't say Michigan girls were pigs, then end up dating a fat MI pig?
Death Roe
Death Roe

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if we lost to osu in 1998.... Empty Re: if we lost to osu in 1998....

Post by Blanch32 Fri Nov 04, 2016 7:47 am

Death Roe wrote:What if Blanch didn't say Michigan girls were pigs, then end up dating a fat MI pig?
what if my haters didn't follow me over here and actually talked sports for once?

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if we lost to osu in 1998.... Empty Re: if we lost to osu in 1998....

Post by Blanch32 Fri Nov 04, 2016 8:13 am

Herbie Green wrote:That is an interesting question. I don't think we would have had BW or JLS as coach. Dantonio and Saban would have gone on to success somewhere because the cream eventually rises to the top.

What if Mateen didn't come to MSU?

ouch. no Mateen, and izzo is probably fired in year 4. then again, a Mateen less squad did go final four after he graduated, and bell did play PG in the nba, so perhaps not. still, no title for Izzo tho

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if we lost to osu in 1998.... Empty Re: if we lost to osu in 1998....

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