Spartan Swill
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So apparantly tBoss has no endorsed Hillary Clinton?

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So apparantly tBoss has no endorsed Hillary Clinton? Empty So apparantly tBoss has no endorsed Hillary Clinton?

Post by Herbie Green 03/11/16, 07:15 pm

After endorsing the last several Democratic candidates?
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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Join date : 2014-05-11

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So apparantly tBoss has no endorsed Hillary Clinton? Empty Re: So apparantly tBoss has no endorsed Hillary Clinton?

Post by Blanch32 03/11/16, 07:27 pm

lol Bob isn't having it

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So apparantly tBoss has no endorsed Hillary Clinton? Empty Re: So apparantly tBoss has no endorsed Hillary Clinton?

Post by Herbie Green 04/11/16, 12:28 pm

Bob must have the day off?!
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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So apparantly tBoss has no endorsed Hillary Clinton? Empty Re: So apparantly tBoss has no endorsed Hillary Clinton?

Post by Herbie Green 08/11/16, 12:04 pm

I apologize, I am not sure if I was fed misinformation from the media because there the Boss was performing a killer solo acoustic Thunder Road at the Philly Clinton rally last night.
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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So apparantly tBoss has no endorsed Hillary Clinton? Empty Re: So apparantly tBoss has no endorsed Hillary Clinton?

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