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anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill?

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anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill? Empty anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill?

Post by Blanch32 2016-11-06, 18:44

sunshine simply isn't tough enough for a shit th3 bed season. he thought he could, but man what a mental breakdown. this is just beyond his bandwidth. good thing nigel is there to comfort hI'm in his time of need

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anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill? Empty Re: anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill?

Post by DWags 2016-11-06, 19:28

Tilt. anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill? 502811600

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anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill? Empty Re: anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill?

Post by Herbie Green 2016-11-06, 22:10

Right on cue. I actually would feel bad for the guy but I think it is all in good fun
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill? Empty Re: anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2016-11-06, 22:37

anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill? 502811600
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill? Empty Re: anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill?

Post by Blanch32 2016-11-08, 12:30

Herbie Green wrote:Right on cue. I actually would feel bad for the guy but I think it is all in good fun

No. Dude takes message boards too serious. hell he banned tDude just prior to the uofm game because he couldn't bare read what he would type about harbs

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anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill? Empty Re: anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill?

Post by Herbie Green 2016-11-08, 12:42

Blanch32 wrote:
Herbie Green wrote:Right on cue. I actually would feel bad for the guy but I think it is all in good fun

No. Dude takes message boards too serious. hell he banned tDude just prior to the uofm game because he couldn't bare read what he would type about harbs

Yeah even with his constant tilting I thought he was one of the few that could still mix it up for sports talk and laughs. Boy was I wrong.
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill? Empty Re: anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill?

Post by Blanch32 2016-11-08, 13:59

Herbie Green wrote:
Blanch32 wrote:

No. Dude takes message boards too serious. hell he banned tDude just prior to the uofm game because he couldn't bare read what he would type about harbs

Yeah even with his constant tilting I thought he was one of the few that could still mix it up for sports talk and laughs. Boy was I wrong.

I've knownever this for years. Dude is a total control freak. can't handle an ounce of uncertainty

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anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill? Empty Re: anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill?

Post by Blanch32 2016-11-10, 13:13

bump. dwags is having a mental breakdown . quick someone notify his wife!

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anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill? Empty Re: anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill?

Post by Herbie Green 2016-11-10, 13:19

Blanch32 wrote:bump. dwags is having a mental breakdown . quick someone notify his wife!

Did he find that professor's contact information yet?
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill? Empty Re: anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill?

Post by Blanch32 2016-11-10, 14:26

Herbie Green wrote:
Blanch32 wrote:bump. dwags is having a mental breakdown . quick someone notify his wife!

Did he find that professor's contact information yet?

Not sure might as well just ask him since we can only talk to each other and the rods. double secret probation. the masses would revolt, if they didn't already chase the masses off. lol

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anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill? Empty Re: anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill?

Post by Death Roe 2016-11-10, 19:55

Nathan and Mimsy from South Park.
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anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill? Empty Re: anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill?

Post by DWags 2016-11-10, 20:47

Blanch32 wrote:
Herbie Green wrote:

Did he find that professor's contact information yet?

Not sure might as well just ask him since we can only talk to each other and the rods. double secret probation. the masses would revolt, if they didn't already chase the masses off. lol

Software fucked up. I can't read any of your stuff anywhere now. I think Heat is fucking with me. I think he set me up. Good joke if you're in on it with him. I can't read any of your stuff now. Ducking Heat and SRC are jokers.

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anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill? Empty Re: anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill?

Post by Herbie Green 2016-11-11, 17:29

Dwags, can you post the email that you sent to the Yale professor
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill? Empty Re: anyone else enjoying dwags meltdown on tswill?

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