Spartan Swill
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Well I am on another posting strike from the main board

Other Teams Pursuing That
Herbie Green
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Well I am on another posting strike from the main board Empty Well I am on another posting strike from the main board

Post by Herbie Green 2016-11-08, 09:45

I will still be able to communicate here for the time being but I imagine that time may be short lived. The foundation is crumbling and message board moderators with itchy trigger fingers may double down to cover their tracks, especially if MSU is to lose to Rutgers.

.....It is fitting that I would be posting this on tBob on Election Day
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

Posts : 5404
Join date : 2014-05-11

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Well I am on another posting strike from the main board Empty Re: Well I am on another posting strike from the main board

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2016-11-08, 10:14

You're going on strike against a message board forum?
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

Posts : 36472
Join date : 2014-04-18

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Well I am on another posting strike from the main board Empty Re: Well I am on another posting strike from the main board

Post by DWags 2016-11-08, 10:21

Well I am on another posting strike from the main board 502811600

How do you picket something like that?

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Well I am on another posting strike from the main board Empty Re: Well I am on another posting strike from the main board

Post by Herbie Green 2016-11-08, 10:31

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:You're going on strike against a message board forum?

Feel free to join me if you oppose tDude's ban and over-moderation of tSwill.
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

Posts : 5404
Join date : 2014-05-11

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Well I am on another posting strike from the main board Empty Re: Well I am on another posting strike from the main board

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2016-11-08, 10:57

Herbie Green wrote:
Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:You're going on strike against a message board forum?

Feel free to join me if you oppose tDude's ban and over-moderation of tSwill.

I do not really give a fuck.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

Posts : 36472
Join date : 2014-04-18

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Well I am on another posting strike from the main board Empty Re: Well I am on another posting strike from the main board

Post by Herbie Green 2016-11-08, 11:10

DWags wrote:Well I am on another posting strike from the main board 502811600

How do you picket something like that?

Fortunately you created this location on tBob yourself. A decision that may come back to bite you in the ass.
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

Posts : 5404
Join date : 2014-05-11

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Well I am on another posting strike from the main board Empty Re: Well I am on another posting strike from the main board

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2016-11-08, 11:11

Herbie Green wrote:
DWags wrote:Well I am on another posting strike from the main board 502811600

How do you picket something like that?

Fortunately you created this location on tBob yourself.  A decision that may come back to bite you in the ass.

Your thought process is fucking weird.
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Join date : 2014-04-30

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Well I am on another posting strike from the main board Empty Re: Well I am on another posting strike from the main board

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2016-11-08, 11:20

Something on the swill is going to bite d wags in the ass?

You guys are SERIOUS. Well I am on another posting strike from the main board 502811600
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

Posts : 36472
Join date : 2014-04-18

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Well I am on another posting strike from the main board Empty Re: Well I am on another posting strike from the main board

Post by Blanch32 2016-11-08, 11:28

Herbie Green wrote:I will still be able to communicate here for the time being but I imagine that time may be short lived. The foundation is crumbling and message board moderators with itchy trigger fingers may double down to cover their tracks, especially if MSU is to lose to Rutgers.

.....It is fitting that I would be posting this on tBob on Election Day

Exactly. like msu admin s decision to kill tailgating slowly, 247 lite rods are doing the same here. while they had the right vision, the execution is terrible and we are stuck with roushar level rodding.

unfortunately, tBob is our only hope now.

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Well I am on another posting strike from the main board Empty Re: Well I am on another posting strike from the main board

Post by Blanch32 2016-11-08, 11:29

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:You're going on strike against a message board forum?

I did with much success earlier this year. the bonars were freaking when they didn't have my posts to respond to. Muffy went aWol for the entire summer

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Well I am on another posting strike from the main board Empty Re: Well I am on another posting strike from the main board

Post by Blanch32 2016-11-08, 11:32

Herbie Green wrote:
DWags wrote:Well I am on another posting strike from the main board 502811600

How do you picket something like that?

Fortunately you created this location on tBob yourself. A decision that may come back to bite you in the ass.

Of course it will, he's simpleton and cannot process multiple outcomes.

he reminds me of my brolo, when he couldn't figure out how to improve your odds in the 3 door prizes game show. in his mind, because he can't understand it, it cannot be true. dwags is the same blockhead.

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Well I am on another posting strike from the main board Empty Re: Well I am on another posting strike from the main board

Post by NigelUno 2016-12-09, 10:03

Well I am on another posting strike from the main board 2716

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Well I am on another posting strike from the main board Empty Re: Well I am on another posting strike from the main board

Post by Blanch32 2016-12-09, 11:28

NigelUno wrote: Well I am on another posting strike from the main board 2716


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Well I am on another posting strike from the main board Empty Re: Well I am on another posting strike from the main board

Post by NigelUno 2017-04-02, 15:38

Well I am on another posting strike from the main board 25b6  Well I am on another posting strike from the main board 23ea  Well I am on another posting strike from the main board 1f501

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Well I am on another posting strike from the main board Empty Re: Well I am on another posting strike from the main board

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