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has anyone asked dantonio why they went with TOC

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has anyone asked dantonio why they went with TOC Empty has anyone asked dantonio why they went with TOC

Post by Blanch32 27/11/16, 06:32 pm

from the beginning and no competition? perhaps that was a mistake? tBob demands answers!

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has anyone asked dantonio why they went with TOC Empty Re: has anyone asked dantonio why they went with TOC

Post by Turtleneck 27/11/16, 06:50 pm

Blanch32 wrote:....
from the beginning and no competition? perhaps that was a mistake? tBob demands answers!

I asked him after church this morning.

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has anyone asked dantonio why they went with TOC Empty Re: has anyone asked dantonio why they went with TOC

Post by Blanch32 27/11/16, 07:06 pm

what did he say?

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has anyone asked dantonio why they went with TOC Empty Re: has anyone asked dantonio why they went with TOC

Post by Cameron 27/11/16, 08:01 pm

I don't know if anyone has asked him, but I think the answer is fairly easy to divine.

TOC stuck with the program rather than transferring and was a 5th year senior who beat OSU last year. It is well established that Dantonio is loyal to a fault. The dots aren't hard to connect on this one. Doesn't make it the right choice, but it's pretty easy to see how/why it all went down as it did.

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has anyone asked dantonio why they went with TOC Empty Re: has anyone asked dantonio why they went with TOC

Post by Blanch32 27/11/16, 09:21 pm

Cameron wrote:I don't know if anyone has asked him, but I think the answer is fairly easy to divine.

TOC stuck with the program rather than transferring and was a 5th year senior who beat OSU last year. It is well established that Dantonio is loyal to a fault. The dots aren't hard to connect on this one. Doesn't make it the right choice, but it's pretty easy to see how/why it all went down as it did.

i just don't get the keys just thrown to him with both lewerke and messiah on the roster.....

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has anyone asked dantonio why they went with TOC Empty Re: has anyone asked dantonio why they went with TOC

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 27/11/16, 09:22 pm

Cameron wrote:I don't know if anyone has asked him, but I think the answer is fairly easy to divine.

TOC stuck with the program rather than transferring and was a 5th year senior who beat OSU last year. It is well established that Dantonio is loyal to a fault. The dots aren't hard to connect on this one. Doesn't make it the right choice, but it's pretty easy to see how/why it all went down as it did.

Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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has anyone asked dantonio why they went with TOC Empty Re: has anyone asked dantonio why they went with TOC

Post by Cameron 27/11/16, 09:31 pm

Blanch32 wrote:
Cameron wrote:I don't know if anyone has asked him, but I think the answer is fairly easy to divine.

TOC stuck with the program rather than transferring and was a 5th year senior who beat OSU last year. It is well established that Dantonio is loyal to a fault. The dots aren't hard to connect on this one. Doesn't make it the right choice, but it's pretty easy to see how/why it all went down as it did.

i just don't get the keys just thrown to him with both lewerke and messiah on the roster.....

Maxwell got the keys too. If Terry gets the nod next year, we'll know that the coaching staff learned nothing from this year's QB situation. But I hold out hope that Lewerke or DeWeaver will win the job next year.

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