Spartan Swill
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If MSU was in OSU's situation...

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If MSU was in OSU's situation... Empty If MSU was in OSU's situation...

Post by Herbie Green 2016-12-01, 09:32

...would you be happy to skip the Big Ten title game for a guaranteed spot in the playoffs?
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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If MSU was in OSU's situation... Empty Re: If MSU was in OSU's situation...

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2016-12-01, 10:45

Happy? No, I would rather win the ship. With that said, I'm not really complaining. Natty baby.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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If MSU was in OSU's situation... Empty Re: If MSU was in OSU's situation...

Post by Herbie Green 2016-12-01, 11:10

I would want to go for the Big Ten title.

With the way OSU is playiing they have little chance of winning the national title anyway and would have a decent chance of losing to UW. But with a month off maybe they can become who we thought they are. Hard to see them improving enough to beat Bama though.
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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If MSU was in OSU's situation... Empty Re: If MSU was in OSU's situation...

Post by Blanch32 2016-12-02, 06:51

this. usually that much time off is bad for a program

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If MSU was in OSU's situation... Empty Re: If MSU was in OSU's situation...

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