Spartan Swill
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Trump is crushing it right now

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Trump is crushing it right now  Empty Trump is crushing it right now

Post by The_Dude 2016-12-01, 20:13

He's taking it to the dishonest media and calling them out for their obvious unprofessionalism and crying during election night.
Pet Troll
Pet Troll

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Trump is crushing it right now  Empty Re: Trump is crushing it right now

Post by AnomanderRake 2016-12-01, 22:31

The same dishonest media that got him elected, how ironic.

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Trump is crushing it right now  Empty Re: Trump is crushing it right now

Post by Blanch32 2016-12-02, 07:12

AnomanderRake wrote:The same dishonest media that got him the primary, then buried him in the general, how ironic.

fixed it for you

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Trump is crushing it right now  Empty Re: Trump is crushing it right now

Post by AnomanderRake 2016-12-02, 09:31

Blanch32 wrote:
AnomanderRake wrote:The same dishonest media that got him the primary, then buried him in the general, how ironic.

fixed it for you

I don't really agree with that Blanch. Yes the left leaning media sources tried their best to bury him, but their hyperbolic approach and focus on his character rather than his policy ideas ultimately created a narrative in which the public didn't perceive much of a difference between Hillary and Trump.


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Trump is crushing it right now  Empty Re: Trump is crushing it right now

Post by steveschneider 2016-12-02, 10:45

The print press for the most part did a great job. If people were focusing on the Was Pos, Wall Street Journal and NYT the choice was clear.

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Trump is crushing it right now  Empty Re: Trump is crushing it right now

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