Spartan Swill
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What's the name of the coffee place?

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What's the name of the coffee place? Empty What's the name of the coffee place?

Post by NigelUno 2014-05-28, 08:25

Bruster's? No, that's ice cream.


Biggby's? Is that it?

I liked the other name better.

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What's the name of the coffee place? Empty Re: What's the name of the coffee place?

Post by LoneWolfSparty 2014-05-28, 09:08

Beaners. Forget will be. Just like it will always be Pine Knob.

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Join date : 2014-04-21

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What's the name of the coffee place? Empty Re: What's the name of the coffee place?

Post by Snake Plissken 2014-05-31, 09:51

NigelUno wrote:
Biggby's?  Is that it?

I liked the other name better.  
Was Beaner's and is now Biggby's
Snake Plissken
Snake Plissken

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