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Bob, so I am ordering a sandwich...

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Bob, so I am ordering a sandwich... Empty Bob, so I am ordering a sandwich...

Post by MattyFresh 2016-12-08, 18:10

I see a reuben sandwich just a few tables down and it looks amazing but I had my mind set on the club... thoughts?

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Bob, so I am ordering a sandwich... Empty Re: Bob, so I am ordering a sandwich...

Post by InTenSity 2016-12-08, 18:49

Patty melt.

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Bob, so I am ordering a sandwich... Empty Re: Bob, so I am ordering a sandwich...

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2016-12-08, 18:53

Where is this located? I feel like a lot of places can fuck the reuben up so you went with the safe bet in the Club.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Bob, so I am ordering a sandwich... Empty Re: Bob, so I am ordering a sandwich...

Post by MattyFresh 2016-12-08, 19:16

InTenSity wrote:Patty melt.
Patty melts seem to always come up with bad bread and overcooked burger

Last edited by MattyFresh on 2016-12-08, 19:19; edited 1 time in total

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Bob, so I am ordering a sandwich... Empty Re: Bob, so I am ordering a sandwich...

Post by MattyFresh 2016-12-08, 19:18

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:Where is this located? I feel like a lot of places can fuck the reuben up so you went with the safe bet in the Club.

State side Deli in Okemos. Sandwiches are solid to pretty good.

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Bob, so I am ordering a sandwich... Empty Re: Bob, so I am ordering a sandwich...

Post by MattyFresh 2016-12-08, 19:20

That being said I make a much more kickass Reuben given the materials at home. Still need a bob token. Is he still here?

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Bob, so I am ordering a sandwich... Empty Re: Bob, so I am ordering a sandwich...

Post by InTenSity 2016-12-08, 19:48

MattyFresh wrote:That being said I make a much more kickass Reuben given the materials at home. Still need a bob token. Is he still here?
Bob's only here during business hours. He won't answer you tonight.

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Bob, so I am ordering a sandwich... Empty Re: Bob, so I am ordering a sandwich...

Post by tGreenWay 2016-12-08, 21:45

No, no, Mr. Bob no here.
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Bob, so I am ordering a sandwich... Empty Re: Bob, so I am ordering a sandwich...

Post by Herbie Green 2016-12-09, 10:47

I went there once and was told the corned beef was the signature sandwich.
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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Bob, so I am ordering a sandwich... Empty Re: Bob, so I am ordering a sandwich...

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