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If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here

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If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here Empty If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2017-01-02, 22:30

Super serious discussion begins here:
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here Empty Re: If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here

Post by Death Roe 2017-01-02, 22:32

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Death Roe

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If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here Empty Re: If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2017-01-02, 22:37

Herbie. Paging Herbie the Lovebug.
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here Empty Re: If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here

Post by Death Roe 2017-01-02, 22:38

"They need to start taking my posting career SERIOUSLY!"

If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here Latest?cb=20150217111336
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Death Roe

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If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here Empty Re: If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here

Post by MattyFresh 2017-01-25, 00:46

If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here Giphy

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If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here Empty Re: If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2017-01-25, 09:39

If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here Yhst-15720665560768_2268_7400062

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here Empty Re: If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here

Post by MattyFresh 2017-01-25, 17:39

Robert J Sakimano wrote:If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here Yhst-15720665560768_2268_7400062

If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here Homepa11

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If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here Empty Re: If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2017-01-25, 23:43

Oh hi guys. Been on hiatus from this board for a bit. What kind of serious stuff do you want to talk about? Lately, my wife is into buying tights from this company that sounds like Amway. I need to shut the shit down if she ever gets the idea of buying in to this scheme herself. I'll keep everyone updated.
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here Empty Re: If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here

Post by MattyFresh 2017-01-25, 23:49

Watch Out Pylon! wrote:Oh hi guys. Been on hiatus from this board for a bit. What kind of serious stuff do you want to talk about? Lately, my wife is into buying tights from this company that sounds like Amway. I need to shut the shit down if she ever gets the idea of buying in to this scheme herself. I'll keep everyone updated.

Pics of wife in tights to decipher if said tights are like a company that sounds like Amway.

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If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here Empty Re: If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2017-01-25, 23:59

MattyFresh wrote:
Watch Out Pylon! wrote:Oh hi guys. Been on hiatus from this board for a bit. What kind of serious stuff do you want to talk about? Lately, my wife is into buying tights from this company that sounds like Amway. I need to shut the shit down if she ever gets the idea of buying in to this scheme herself. I'll keep everyone updated.

Pics of wife in tights to decipher if said tights are like a company that sounds like Amway.

She's been hitting the squats hard. That shit looks good. But it's just for me. No sharing. Sorry. :(

So more background on this company. Apparently you buy in at $5000. They send you 300 pieces of clothing to sell. You set the price and somehow sell the shit on Facebook. I'm assuming you need a bunch of Facebook friends to sell your allotment.

Sounds like a ponzi scheme to me.
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here Empty Re: If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here

Post by MattyFresh 2017-01-26, 00:17

Watch Out Pylon! wrote:
MattyFresh wrote:

Pics of wife in tights to decipher if said tights are like a company that sounds like Amway.

She's been hitting the squats hard. That shit looks good. But it's just for me. No sharing. Sorry. :(

So more background on this company. Apparently you buy in at $5000. They send you 300 pieces of clothing to sell. You set the price and somehow sell the shit on Facebook. I'm assuming you need a bunch of Facebook friends to sell your allotment.

Sounds like a ponzi scheme to me.

Hopefully you been working on your squat thrusts.


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If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here Empty Re: If you're a serious poster who wants to be taken seriously, post here

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