Spartan Swill
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I'm still on strike on tBBBB

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I'm still on strike on tBBBB Empty I'm still on strike on tBBBB

Post by Blanch32 2017-01-11, 12:22

thoses children simply cannot stand the truth and only want to live in fantasyland. until they can post and moderate like grown up adults. i will only be posting here. notify those bonars all you want. they are not of my calibre

Posts : 11034
Join date : 2014-04-16

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I'm still on strike on tBBBB Empty Re: I'm still on strike on tBBBB

Post by Herbie Green 2017-01-15, 00:58

I am still here for you. I am not sure what happened though
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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Join date : 2014-05-11

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I'm still on strike on tBBBB Empty Re: I'm still on strike on tBBBB

Post by Blanch32 2017-01-16, 13:20

Herbie Green wrote:I am still here for you. I am not sure what happened though

Apparently, we aren't too far away from happy valley as much us thought. truly sickening to see so many child molester apologists....

Posts : 11034
Join date : 2014-04-16

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I'm still on strike on tBBBB Empty Re: I'm still on strike on tBBBB

Post by Herbie Green 2017-01-16, 14:21

Well I don’t think you are missing much. I had to put Nigel and Death Roe on ignore because their stalking grew too tiresome. There isn't much left now unless you are into chit chat. Even the blowars had to return to the RCMB to find people to fight for MSU's honor.
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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Join date : 2014-05-11

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I'm still on strike on tBBBB Empty Re: I'm still on strike on tBBBB

Post by Blanch32 2017-01-16, 16:54

Herbie Green wrote:Well I don’t think you are missing much. I had to put Nigel and Death Roe on ignore because their stalking grew too tiresome. There isn't much left now unless you are into chit chat. Even the blowars had to return to the RCMB to find people to fight for MSU's honor.

i know, right? src banned me fearing the 3 new posters would be offended, but should have learned they seek fre3 speech from posters like us and not boring idol chit chat like they can already get on 247. looks like that hasn't happened nor will it

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Join date : 2014-04-16

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I'm still on strike on tBBBB Empty Re: I'm still on strike on tBBBB

Post by Cameron 2017-01-17, 21:42

It's always amusing to me to hear someone come back from a banning and give their version of events. Very telling.

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Age : 36
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I'm still on strike on tBBBB Empty Re: I'm still on strike on tBBBB

Post by Blanch32 2017-01-18, 11:33

Cameron wrote:It's always amusing to me to hear someone come back from a banning and give their version of events. Very telling.

dispite the spin, every coin has 2 sides....

Posts : 11034
Join date : 2014-04-16

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I'm still on strike on tBBBB Empty Re: I'm still on strike on tBBBB

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