Spartan Swill
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Don't kill the messenger - I have a message from Tanfan for the entire Swill

Death Roe
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Don't kill the messenger - I have a message from Tanfan for the entire Swill  Empty Re: Don't kill the messenger - I have a message from Tanfan for the entire Swill

Post by DWags 2017-04-07, 07:50

Yeah, I didn't ban him. So there's that. But the little guy did call me a "fuck" and asked that I ban him and blanch and Vlad and maybe Herbie. I didn't oblige. im still just a one person banning mod. And that was for a post I believed to be racist.

But if the little guy needs to be mad at me for some reason, next time your in text club, tell him I don't really care he was banned.


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Don't kill the messenger - I have a message from Tanfan for the entire Swill  Empty Re: Don't kill the messenger - I have a message from Tanfan for the entire Swill

Post by Death Roe 2017-04-07, 07:52

Hi Tanner. :)
Death Roe
Death Roe

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Don't kill the messenger - I have a message from Tanfan for the entire Swill  Empty Re: Don't kill the messenger - I have a message from Tanfan for the entire Swill

Post by duffy munn 2017-04-07, 07:54

Don't kill the messenger - I have a message from Tanfan for the entire Swill  502811600 Don't kill the messenger - I have a message from Tanfan for the entire Swill  502811600

What a baby.
duffy munn

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Don't kill the messenger - I have a message from Tanfan for the entire Swill  Empty Re: Don't kill the messenger - I have a message from Tanfan for the entire Swill

Post by Death Roe 2017-04-07, 07:54

duffy munn wrote:Don't kill the messenger - I have a message from Tanfan for the entire Swill  502811600 Don't kill the messenger - I have a message from Tanfan for the entire Swill  502811600

What a baby.

Seriously. The prick can dish it, but he is awful at taking it back.
Death Roe
Death Roe

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Don't kill the messenger - I have a message from Tanfan for the entire Swill  Empty Re: Don't kill the messenger - I have a message from Tanfan for the entire Swill

Post by aualum06 2017-04-07, 07:55

Get over yourself Tanner. No one cares.

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Don't kill the messenger - I have a message from Tanfan for the entire Swill  Empty Re: Don't kill the messenger - I have a message from Tanfan for the entire Swill

Post by kingstonlake 2017-04-07, 07:57

Isn't he perma banned at rcmb?
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Extended Season Champion

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Don't kill the messenger - I have a message from Tanfan for the entire Swill  Empty Re: Don't kill the messenger - I have a message from Tanfan for the entire Swill

Post by Blanch32 2017-04-10, 18:35

Nigel can't take it lol

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Don't kill the messenger - I have a message from Tanfan for the entire Swill  Empty Re: Don't kill the messenger - I have a message from Tanfan for the entire Swill

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