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more tgsm rod censorship

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Watch Out Pylon!
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more tgsm rod censorship Empty more tgsm rod censorship

Post by Blanch32 2017-04-24, 09:01

wtf did my thread go? it was a totally legit question!!

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2017-04-24, 09:19

It's in the existing thread on this topic blanch. Since it was in no way a different topic, it was merged into the correct place. Let me know if that's okay with you just kidding I don't care.
Travis of the Cosmos
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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by tGreenWay 2017-04-24, 10:53

Monday morning coffee with the Whiners Club.™ Can the PVS be far behind?
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Regular Season Champion

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by GRR Spartan 2017-04-24, 11:16

Is Dowager Lady Margret unhappy again?
GRR Spartan
GRR Spartan

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2017-04-24, 11:28

Blanch bitching about his stupid fucking hot takes again? Shocking.
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by Clarett's Folly 2017-04-24, 12:17

"Rods" lol... Reliving message board glory days.
Clarett's Folly
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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by Death Roe 2017-04-24, 12:37

Blanch complains when people mock him, yet he insults and mocks everyone on here.

No sympathy for the asshole.
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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by Blanch32 2017-04-24, 15:38

Now that you all got that out of your collective systems, which msu athletic committed the worst crime with at msu?

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2017-04-24, 15:43

Mods, please merge.
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by Guest 2017-04-24, 15:45

Scott Skiles abusing Antoine "the Judge" Joubert was the worst crime I've seen committed.

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by Wally Fairway 2017-04-24, 15:46

Travis of the Cosmos wrote:It's in the existing thread on this topic blanch. Since it was in no way a different topic, it was merged into the correct place. Let me know if that's okay with you just kidding I don't care.
for the record, I support having all of the threads from our savant known as Blanch not merged, as a matter of fact if we had a separate Blanch board where all of his post would be available that would be great.
Think how much easier it would be to find his jewels of wisdom if they were not buried in with all the pedestrian posts. (or how much easier it could be to ignore them)
Wally Fairway
Wally Fairway

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by tGreenWay 2017-04-24, 15:59

Blanch32 wrote:Now that you all got that out of your collective systems, which msu athletic committed the worst crime with at msu?

Mods, please merge.
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Regular Season Champion

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2017-04-24, 16:00

Wally Fairway wrote:
Travis of the Cosmos wrote:It's in the existing thread on this topic blanch. Since it was in no way a different topic, it was merged into the correct place. Let me know if that's okay with you just kidding I don't care.
for the record, I support having all of the threads from our savant known as Blanch not merged, as a matter of fact if we had a separate Blanch board where all of his post would be available that would be great.
Think how much easier it would be to find his jewels of wisdom if they were not buried in with all the pedestrian posts. (or how much easier it could be to ignore them)
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by SawGreen 2017-04-24, 16:27

LooseGoose wrote:Scott Skiles abusing Antoine "the Judge" Joubert was the worst crime I've seen committed.

LOL. I sometimes wish we had up-votes here. Does anyone have a written account by Jack Ebling? At some point, like going to the tunnel at half-time or something, Skiles was running behind Joubert calling him "Fat Boy".

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2017-04-24, 16:29

SawGreen wrote:
LooseGoose wrote:Scott Skiles abusing Antoine "the Judge" Joubert was the worst crime I've seen committed.

LOL. I sometimes wish we had up-votes here. Does anyone have a written account by Jack Ebling? At some point, like going to the tunnel at half-time or something, Skiles was running behind Joubert calling him "Fat Boy".

Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by Wally Fairway 2017-04-24, 16:37

Watch Out Pylon! wrote:
Wally Fairway wrote:
for the record, I support having all of the threads from our savant known as Blanch not merged, as a matter of fact if we had a separate Blanch board where all of his post would be available that would be great.
Think how much easier it would be to find his jewels of wisdom if they were not buried in with all the pedestrian posts. (or how much easier it could be to ignore them)
I have no idea what that is - but there is no way in hell I'm clicking on THAT link
Wally Fairway
Wally Fairway

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by Blanch32 2017-04-24, 16:52

Wally Fairway wrote:
Travis of the Cosmos wrote:It's in the existing thread on this topic blanch. Since it was in no way a different topic, it was merged into the correct place. Let me know if that's okay with you just kidding I don't care.
for the record, I support having all of the threads from our savant known as Blanch not merged, as a matter of fact if we had a separate Blanch board where all of his post would be available that would be great.
Think how much easier it would be to find his jewels of wisdom if they were not buried in with all the pedestrian posts. (or how much easier it could be to ignore them)

w3 did, and my haters destroyed that concept. hell, Nigel is still revolting to this very day. check out tbob if you don't believe me

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by tGreenWay 2017-04-24, 16:57

Blanch32 wrote:
Wally Fairway wrote:
for the record, I support having all of the threads from our savant known as Blanch not merged, as a matter of fact if we had a separate Blanch board where all of his post would be available that would be great.
Think how much easier it would be to find his jewels of wisdom if they were not buried in with all the pedestrian posts. (or how much easier it could be to ignore them)

w3 did, and my haters destroyed that concept. hell, Nigel is still revolting to this very day. check out tbob if you don't believe me

Whining and victimized. Well done. more tgsm rod censorship 1486952199
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Regular Season Champion

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by Herbie Green 2017-04-24, 17:14

tGreenWay wrote:
Blanch32 wrote:

w3 did, and my haters destroyed that concept. hell, Nigel is still revolting to this very day. check out tbob if you don't believe me

Whining and victimized. Well done. more tgsm rod censorship 1486952199

I am not sure he did either of those things. I think you are currently the biggest whiner on the board
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2017-04-24, 17:17

Herbie Green wrote:
tGreenWay wrote:

Whining and victimized. Well done. more tgsm rod censorship 1486952199

I am not sure he did either of those things. I think you are currently the biggest whiner on the board

What took you so long? Blanch was getting worried.
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by tGreenWay 2017-04-24, 17:18

Herbie Green wrote:
tGreenWay wrote:

Whining and victimized. Well done. more tgsm rod censorship 1486952199

I am not sure he did either of those things. I think you are currently the biggest whiner on the board

The old Trump tactic, aka I know you are but what am I? Saying it doesn't make it it true, although you are whiner number two. :poop:
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Regular Season Champion

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by Herbie Green 2017-04-24, 17:19

tGreenWay wrote:
Herbie Green wrote:

I am not sure he did either of those things. I think you are currently the biggest whiner on the board

The old Trump tactic, aka I know you are but what am I? Saying it doesn't make it it true, although you are whiner number two. :poop:

Do you have tears coming down right now?
Herbie Green
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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by Herbie Green 2017-04-24, 17:21

Watch Out Pylon! wrote:
Herbie Green wrote:

I am not sure he did either of those things. I think you are currently the biggest whiner on the board

What took you so long? Blanch was getting worried.

Yeah I was thinking about giving up but what would you guys do all day? Chit chat?
Herbie Green
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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by MiamiSpartan 2017-04-24, 17:21

Blanch32 wrote:
Wally Fairway wrote:
for the record, I support having all of the threads from our savant known as Blanch not merged, as a matter of fact if we had a separate Blanch board where all of his post would be available that would be great.
Think how much easier it would be to find his jewels of wisdom if they were not buried in with all the pedestrian posts. (or how much easier it could be to ignore them)

w3 did, and my haters destroyed that concept. hell, Nigel is still revolting to this very day. check out tbob if you don't believe me
So the problem is that people that disagree with you are trolling you and making it difficult for you to have the conversation that you want to have. Huh, imagine that.

Perhaps the solution would be to make blanch mod of tBob?

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Post by Herbie Green 2017-04-24, 17:22

Oooohh. I think greenway is going to go on a super bitch crying rant of personal insults now. I can't wait!
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by MiamiSpartan 2017-04-24, 17:45

Blanch32 wrote:Now that you all got that out of your collective systems, which msu athletic committed the worst crime with at msu?
I believe this was question was already asked in another thread.

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Post by tGreenWay 2017-04-24, 18:06

Herbie Green wrote:Oooohh. I think greenway is going to go on a super bitch crying rant of personal insults now. I can't wait!

Oh dear, it sounds like this place might be too rough for a snowflake like yourself. You'd be better off staying in tBob with your buddies in the Perpetual Victim Squad.
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Regular Season Champion

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by Guest 2017-04-24, 18:22

SawGreen wrote:
LooseGoose wrote:Scott Skiles abusing Antoine "the Judge" Joubert was the worst crime I've seen committed.

LOL. I sometimes wish we had up-votes here. Does anyone have a written account by Jack Ebling? At some point, like going to the tunnel at half-time or something, Skiles was running behind Joubert calling him "Fat Boy".

Closest I could come....
Skiles is not shy. The buzz word is cocky. Cocksure is more accurate. In a league full of mouthy guards, Skiles has outmouthed -- and outplayed -- them all. When Illinois' Bruce Douglas called himself the league's best guard, Skiles burned him inside and outside, then declared, "If he's the best guard in the Big Ten, I'm the best guard in the world."

When Michigan's Antoine Joubert "guaranteed" that the Wolverines would beat Michigan State in Ann Arbor (Michigan State had won at East Lansing), Skiles burned him for 33 points and, late in the game with Joubert looking for a shot, yelled at him, "Go ahead and shoot it, fat boy. Show me what you've got."

Skiles laughs a little uneasily when these incidents come up. "I think that's been blown out of proportion," he said. "I just go out just looking to play. But during a game, emotions come out. You know, the heat of the battle. Once the game is over, I just forget about it."

"I'm ready to get on the plane and sitting in the lounge is Skiles," Walsh recalled. "I asked what he was doing there and he said he was retiring. He didn't think we played hard or cared. I talked to him the whole way back to Indianapolis and he got on another plane and rejoined the team. He's just a highly competitive guy who wasn't afraid of anybody."

Least of all more highly-regarded players, such as former Michigan guard Antoine Joubert, as former Wolverines coach Bill Frieder recalled.

"Before the game he goes up to Joubert and says, `Let's see what you've got, fat boy,"' Frieder recalled. "And then he went out and made Joubert look like a fat boy."

Scott Skiles was slow and couldn't jump much. He was just another kid--always hitting or throwing or dribbling a ball--from a small Indiana high school, Plymouth, which became the smallest school to win a state title since fabled Milan in 1954 when Skiles led it past Gary Roosevelt for the 1982 Indiana championship.

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by Blanch32 2017-04-24, 20:45

greenway, I don't want to be a mod, can you do it and ban nigel and DR from tBob? ...and bob too cause irony

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by Death Roe 2017-04-25, 07:59

Blanch32 wrote:greenway, I don't want to be a mod, can you do it and ban nigel and DR from tBob? ...and bob too cause irony

Gonna cwy about it some more?

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Post by Blanch32 2017-04-25, 08:02

and the thread is moved. nope no bias here smh

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more tgsm rod censorship Empty Re: more tgsm rod censorship

Post by Herbie Green 2017-04-26, 23:45

Wow hypocracy again runs supreme. And people womdered when I said this board had no credibility
Herbie Green
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