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the rodding here is even worst than rcmb

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the rodding here is even worst than rcmb Empty the rodding here is even worst than rcmb

Post by Blanch32 2017-04-24, 09:04

now even my legit thr e ads get deleted. over there they would just lock them after a couple of mins. hope heat and src see who the real problem is with old site...

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the rodding here is even worst than rcmb Empty Re: the rodding here is even worst than rcmb

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2022-09-24, 19:28

I haven’t been to rcmb in awhile and I’m not going to, but omg the meltdown must be precious. We’re allowed to make fun of other boards, like an mgo, when they freak out so why not that one?

If anyone does wade over there for whatever insane reason and wants to post gems, feel free to use this thread (which I bumped instead of creating a new one because lol)
Travis of the Cosmos
Travis of the Cosmos

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the rodding here is even worst than rcmb Empty Re: the rodding here is even worst than rcmb

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2022-09-24, 19:43

Damn it wrong forum and I can’t move this one :(
Travis of the Cosmos
Travis of the Cosmos

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the rodding here is even worst than rcmb Empty Re: the rodding here is even worst than rcmb

Post by tGreenWay 2022-09-26, 19:34

It’s okay Travis, your screwup doesn’t make you a bad person.
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the rodding here is even worst than rcmb Empty Re: the rodding here is even worst than rcmb

Post by Trapper Gus 2022-09-26, 19:44

What forum were you aiming for?

The one that just was fish bombed or the sports board?
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the rodding here is even worst than rcmb Empty Re: the rodding here is even worst than rcmb

Post by Trapper Gus 2022-09-26, 19:57

So just because went over there, here is a link to a thread where the posters seem to be pretty rational ...
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the rodding here is even worst than rcmb Empty Re: the rodding here is even worst than rcmb

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2022-09-26, 20:21

Trapper Gus wrote:So just because went over there, here is a link to a thread where the posters seem to be pretty rational ...

Why would anyone want rational? No interest in a clear measured take on a football team. Show me the psycho jumping out the window
Travis of the Cosmos
Travis of the Cosmos

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the rodding here is even worst than rcmb Empty Re: the rodding here is even worst than rcmb

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