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Why would anyone donate to college athletics?

Watch Out Pylon!
Herbie Green
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Why would anyone donate to college athletics? Empty Why would anyone donate to college athletics?

Post by Herbie Green Thu 27 Apr 2017 - 11:02

It doesn't make financial sense, especially since most of us are in debt.

It doesn't make altruistic sense because there are much better causes to donate to - like almost all of them starting with the same schools' educational programs.

It doesn't make selfish sense to me because as a donor you aren't getting your money's worth back in parking spots and ticket selection. But maybe this is where you disagree?

Selfishly, I am glad others do it because it helps my teams but I am not going to make a difference individually with my money.

Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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Why would anyone donate to college athletics? Empty Re: Why would anyone donate to college athletics?

Post by Watch Out Pylon! Thu 27 Apr 2017 - 11:33

I'm not in debt Herbie. Unless you want to count mortgages.
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Why would anyone donate to college athletics? Empty Re: Why would anyone donate to college athletics?

Post by InTenSity Thu 27 Apr 2017 - 12:28

Tax deductions? I've never donated, but if they are setup as a non-profit, you could probably donate to get better seats instead of paying higher ticket prices.

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Why would anyone donate to college athletics? Empty Re: Why would anyone donate to college athletics?

Post by Herbie Green Thu 27 Apr 2017 - 12:50

Watch Out Pylon! wrote:I'm not in debt Herbie. Unless you want to count mortgages.

That is all I have left as well and that is shrinking. But then in a few years I will start putting two kids through college. I would rather invest towards that than towards a new smoothie bar in the football building. This is the kind of way I have been able to rationalize not donating.
Yet every week there are thousands filling up every big stadium who are happy to. I just don't get the mentality. My friends seem to be mostly cheapskates in this regard as well.
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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Why would anyone donate to college athletics? Empty Re: Why would anyone donate to college athletics?

Post by Herbie Green Thu 27 Apr 2017 - 13:00

InTenSity wrote:Tax deductions? I've never donated, but if they are setup as a non-profit, you could probably donate to get better seats instead of paying higher ticket prices.

True. I was thinking more of the choice of donating to better causes but donors might think they are getting a suitable return when factoring in the tax benefit

Article says these seat donations were 80% tax deductible and Obama was trying to change it. Was he successful?
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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Why would anyone donate to college athletics? Empty Re: Why would anyone donate to college athletics?

Post by Robert J Sakimano Fri 28 Apr 2017 - 12:49

I've bought a few tickets to attend various games/matches/meets over the years - I realize that's not "donating" - that seems like enough in the current environment and, yes, there are much more valuable things to donate to.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Why would anyone donate to college athletics? Empty Re: Why would anyone donate to college athletics?

Post by MattyFresh Sat 29 Apr 2017 - 8:30

This thing isn't paying for itself.

Why would anyone donate to college athletics? QsKdnw0

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Why would anyone donate to college athletics? Empty Re: Why would anyone donate to college athletics?

Post by CampbellHall Sun 14 May 2017 - 18:01

MattyFresh wrote:This thing isn't paying for itself.

Why would anyone donate to college athletics? QsKdnw0

Someone needs to update that plan. There's probably 40 statues in the world taller than 200 feet.

Why would anyone donate to college athletics? Cc2rj110

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