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tOfficial Computer/Phone/Tablet Help Thread

Death Roe
Heat Miser
The Pantry
Robert J Sakimano
Floyd Robertson
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tOfficial Computer/Phone/Tablet Help Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: tOfficial Computer/Phone/Tablet Help Thread

Post by The Pantry 2024-09-29, 18:38

tGreenWay wrote:
The Pantry wrote:Computer weirdness last night. For a while wondered if either I had been hacked or the laptop was blinking out. Rebooted it a few times along with the modem & router. After scans with crap cleaner and spybot detected nothing unusual from the outside figured had to be something hardware. Fortunately wasn't the laptop.

Use a wireless mouse instead of the touchpad. Swapped the mouse and dongle with the ones from the work laptop. All is good again...except my home mouse is dead. First experience with a Logitech product failing.

Nice find on your part, though. I was going to ask how old your router and modem were. I only learned this past year those products only have a life approx. 5 years old. Mine are living on borrowed time.
IME routers are good for about 5 years. Modems roughly 10. Either one of them can randomly take a crap. Mine are holding out so far but lose service every couple weeks and have to reboot them.

The mouse issue I thought was pretty off the wall. Went to open yahoo and it tried starting multiple (maybe hundreds) of new tabs that didn't open. Bogged everything down bad enough nothing else worked. Had to hold down the power button to finally shut it down.
The Pantry
The Pantry

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