Spartan Swill
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Took another shit in the woods yesterday

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Took another shit in the woods yesterday  Empty Re: Took another shit in the woods yesterday

Post by Da Mayor Fri Nov 03, 2017 9:37 am

gHost Spartan wrote:IT was a 70+ degrees so I split work early and went for a run on the path I usually run on. I seriously don't know what the fuck is going on, but it seems like whenever I'm running lately I have to take a shit. The day before the same thing happened and I had to cut 2 miles off my run so I could shit in the port-o-potty. Anyway, so yesterday I'm running down the paved trail, as usual, and after 2 miles the code red hit me, I thought "okay maybe I can hold it in" but after a while it was clear to me that I had to shit.

There's a seldom used unpaved side trail that runs through some thick forest and onto the back side of a remote farm. That's where I shit last time. Funny thing is that I'm running down that trail to get to my shit spot and I ran into a middle aged woman walking two dogs!!! I see her, nod, and keep going. She's clearly out of sight now so I plop down and BOOM!!!! Poop gone, gHost free! Wiped with my bandana and as I threw it down onto the ground saw my partially disintegrated bandana that I used to wipe the last time I shit out there. Funny shit....

Felt great afterward. I think it's partly because I was eating a lot of blueberries, grapes and dates. When I took off my shorts later my ass smelled awful, it was actually quite disturbing. Then I smelled my underwear and it almost made me puke.

Was the trail called the Silk Road?
Da Mayor
Da Mayor

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Join date : 2016-12-28

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Took another shit in the woods yesterday  Empty Re: Took another shit in the woods yesterday

Post by steveschneider Wed Nov 08, 2017 10:27 am

I lost control for the first time in my life on a trail run. Had a code red so I found a secluded area off the trail. I pulled down my shorts and held onto a tree with both hands while I squatted. Was pretty explosive. Normally I look at my work in the can before flushing but I couldn’t look at my work on the forest floor because I was disgusted by my bodily function.

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