Spartan Swill
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The Racist, Bigoted Sexual Predator Names Cocaine Addict Chief Economic Advisor..

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The Racist, Bigoted Sexual Predator Names Cocaine Addict Chief Economic Advisor..  Empty The Racist, Bigoted Sexual Predator Names Cocaine Addict Chief Economic Advisor..

Post by Robert J Sakimano Wed 14 Mar 2018 - 14:52

caution: mainstream media link below

God, Cocaine and Money

But Kudlow kept drinking and snorting, and National Review fired him after a year. He hit rock bottom in 1995 and shipped out for five months in a Minnesota rehab. There, he ditched the coke and booze for good. Upon leaving rehab, he signed up for some Catholic Opus Dei retreats and found he liked the rigor of a conservative, and what some call "cult-like," group that has been likened to Scientology, with ties to fascist organizations in Italy, and which offered spiritual succor to the likes of the late conservative Justice Antonin Scalia.

sounds like he'll fit in nicely.

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

Posts : 52524
Join date : 2014-04-15
Age : 55

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