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News from the World of Identity Politics

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News from the World of Identity Politics Empty News from the World of Identity Politics

Post by Guest Wed May 16, 2018 7:58 am

When is truth and science offensive?

Professor Notes Men Are Taller Than Women On Average, SJWs Storm Out Angrily

Ten days ago I wrote about a panel discussion that took place at Portland State University on the topic of intersectionality as a religion. That panel was actually a follow-up of sorts to another event at the school featuring ex-Google engineer James Damore. I knew about the earlier event but, until yesterday, I hadn’t seen this amazing moment that took place during that discussion. At the mention of a simple anatomical fact (men are on average taller than women) a group of SJW’s got up and stormed out, apparently damaging the sound system on the way to the lobby.

I'll leave this space blank for Bob to comment on snowflakes:

cheers cheers

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News from the World of Identity Politics Empty Re: News from the World of Identity Politics

Post by Robert J Sakimano Wed May 16, 2018 7:59 am

LooseGoose wrote:When is truth and science offensive?

Professor Notes Men Are Taller Than Women On Average, SJWs Storm Out Angrily

Ten days ago I wrote about a panel discussion that took place at Portland State University on the topic of intersectionality as a religion. That panel was actually a follow-up of sorts to another event at the school featuring ex-Google engineer James Damore. I knew about the earlier event but, until yesterday, I hadn’t seen this amazing moment that took place during that discussion. At the mention of a simple anatomical fact (men are on average taller than women) a group of SJW’s got up and stormed out, apparently damaging the sound system on the way to the lobby.

I'll leave this space blank for Bob to comment on snowflakes:

cheers cheers
thanks for the mainstream media link. News from the World of Identity Politics 969504605
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

Posts : 52250
Join date : 2014-04-15

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