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Equality in America

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Equality in America Empty Equality in America

Post by Guest 2018-05-17, 15:59

This is JUST how they handle male rapists.

Female Teacher Who Had Sex With a Student Won't Have to Register as a Sex Offender

Samantha Ciotta pleaded guilty to having sex with a student at Beaumont High School in Beaumont, Calif., where she was a teacher. However, the plea deal offered by the California prosecutors allows her to avoid jail time and Ciotta won't have to register as a sex offender. Putting a cherry on top of the double standard, in a few years, she may be able to re-apply to teach again.

Ciotta's punishment includes wearing an ankle bracelet monitoring her whereabouts for 180 days, 90 hours of community service, and zero contact with unrelated minors.

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Equality in America Empty Re: Equality in America

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2018-05-17, 16:01

LooseGoose wrote:This is JUST how they handle male rapists.

Female Teacher Who Had Sex With a Student Won't Have to Register as a Sex Offender

Samantha Ciotta pleaded guilty to having sex with a student at Beaumont High School in Beaumont, Calif., where she was a teacher. However, the plea deal offered by the California prosecutors allows her to avoid jail time and Ciotta won't have to register as a sex offender. Putting a cherry on top of the double standard, in a few years, she may be able to re-apply to teach again.

Ciotta's punishment includes wearing an ankle bracelet monitoring her whereabouts for 180 days, 90 hours of community service, and zero contact with unrelated minors.
thanks for the mainstream media link.

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

Posts : 52247
Join date : 2014-04-15

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