Spartan Swill
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You guys are not going to like this take: Kim is outdoing Donald.

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You guys are not going to like this take: Kim is outdoing Donald.  Empty You guys are not going to like this take: Kim is outdoing Donald.

Post by Turtleneck Mon May 21, 2018 3:07 pm

But don't worry...the article mention's Obama.

This is not the first time U.S. officials have failed to understand what the North Koreans were up to. In 2012, Obama administration officials said North Korea had agreed to suspend all long-range missile launches, including launches of satellites. Experts pointed out that the North Korean statement did not say that. Obama administration officials patted the experts on the head and encouraged us to let the professionals handle it. Then North Korea announced a space launch.

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You guys are not going to like this take: Kim is outdoing Donald.  Empty Re: You guys are not going to like this take: Kim is outdoing Donald.

Post by Robert J Sakimano Mon May 21, 2018 3:17 pm

ya think Kim is just toying with the racist, bigoted sexual predator? I never noticed.

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Join date : 2014-04-15

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