Spartan Swill
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As we already knew, North Korea is not going to denuclearize. It's their only leverage.

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As we already knew, North Korea is not going to denuclearize. It's their only leverage.  Empty As we already knew, North Korea is not going to denuclearize. It's their only leverage.

Post by Turtleneck 2018-05-21, 16:11

...and they used that leverage to get us to commit to coming to the table, which gives them a sense of legitimacy they did not previously have.

Trump, South Korean leader commiserate over upcoming summit

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As we already knew, North Korea is not going to denuclearize. It's their only leverage.  Empty Re: As we already knew, North Korea is not going to denuclearize. It's their only leverage.

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2018-05-21, 20:09

As long as the racist, bigoted sexual predator and the mainstream media get their photo op, it's not gonna matter to them.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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