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Wife Beating Democrat refuses to leave race

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Wife Beating Democrat refuses to leave race Empty Wife Beating Democrat refuses to leave race

Post by Guest 2018-05-21, 21:11

He'll probably win their primary.

Top South Carolina candidate refuses to quit congressional race after abuse discovery

Such a refined fella, not one of those unwashed rural hicks......too bad he beats women.

Wife Beating Democrat refuses to leave race 5a6959680a579.image

Confronted with the court records by aides last week, Parnell did not deny the allegations. But even as his staff fled the campaign en masse, he refused to drop out of the race Monday.

“This campaign has always been about the people of the 5th district, my home, but never about me," Parnell said in a statement. "Forty five years ago, while still a college student, I did something that I have regretted every single day since. In response to actions I feel unnecessary to specify, I lashed out and became violent with other people, including my former wife, which led to a divorce and monumental change in my life.

"These actions were inexcusable, wrong and downright embarrassing," Parnell added. "Since then, my life has been changed by a remarkable woman, two amazing daughters, a forgiving God and a career that has taught me to cherish what I have."

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Wife Beating Democrat refuses to leave race Empty Re: Wife Beating Democrat refuses to leave race

Post by kingstonlake 2018-05-21, 22:03

It refreshing to see Democratic leadership en masse come together and tell him to quit. I'm glad he doesn't have the support of the top Democrat. No need to enable him. Very good on Democrats to not put the seat ahead of their values..........Wife Beating Democrat refuses to leave race 3003718628  Wife Beating Democrat refuses to leave race 3003718628  Wife Beating Democrat refuses to leave race 3003718628
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Wife Beating Democrat refuses to leave race Empty Re: Wife Beating Democrat refuses to leave race

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2018-05-22, 04:29

LooseGoose wrote:He'll probably win their primary.

Top South Carolina candidate refuses to quit congressional race after abuse discovery

Such a refined fella, not one of those unwashed rural hicks......too bad he beats women.

Wife Beating Democrat refuses to leave race 5a6959680a579.image

Confronted with the court records by aides last week, Parnell did not deny the allegations. But even as his staff fled the campaign en masse, he refused to drop out of the race Monday.

“This campaign has always been about the people of the 5th district, my home, but never about me," Parnell said in a statement. "Forty five years ago, while still a college student, I did something that I have regretted every single day since. In response to actions I feel unnecessary to specify, I lashed out and became violent with other people, including my former wife, which led to a divorce and monumental change in my life.

"These actions were inexcusable, wrong and downright embarrassing," Parnell added. "Since then, my life has been changed by a remarkable woman, two amazing daughters, a forgiving God and a career that has taught me to cherish what I have."
thanks for the mainstream media link.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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