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I thought this North Korea thing was all set...mission accomplished

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I thought this North Korea thing was all set...mission accomplished Empty I thought this North Korea thing was all set...mission accomplished

Post by Turtleneck 23/05/18, 11:00 pm

TOKYO — North Korea is threatening to reconsider Kim Jong Un’s participation in a summit with President Trump next month, saying it is up to the United States to decide whether it wants to “meet us at a meeting room or encounter us at nuclear-to-nuclear showdown.”

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I thought this North Korea thing was all set...mission accomplished Empty Re: I thought this North Korea thing was all set...mission accomplished

Post by Robert J Sakimano 24/05/18, 05:09 am

Turtleneck wrote:TOKYO — North Korea is threatening to reconsider Kim Jong Un’s participation in a summit with President Trump next month, saying it is up to the United States to decide whether it wants to “meet us at a meeting room or encounter us at nuclear-to-nuclear showdown.”
I thought this North Korea thing was all set...mission accomplished 502811600
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Join date : 2014-04-15

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