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NBA Preseason: Pistons vs. Cavs at Breslin..

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NBA Preseason: Pistons vs. Cavs at Breslin..  Empty NBA Preseason: Pistons vs. Cavs at Breslin..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2018-08-13, 11:00

probably posted somewhere else - but this is somewhat interesting.

I figure Dan Gilbert has something to do with it.. without LeBron, though, I'm wondering if the lower bowl will even be full. It's the Friday night before MSU at Penn State.. not sure if that's good or bad, in terms of attendance. NBA Preseason: Pistons vs. Cavs at Breslin..  2599972566

Detroit Pistons vs. Cleveland Cavaliers at Breslin
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Join date : 2014-04-15
Age : 55

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NBA Preseason: Pistons vs. Cavs at Breslin..  Empty Re: NBA Preseason: Pistons vs. Cavs at Breslin..

Post by AvgMSUJoe 2018-08-13, 11:36

It will fill, just for the novelty. If they had 2 though... probably not.

Piston's owner is an Alum too.

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NBA Preseason: Pistons vs. Cavs at Breslin..  Empty Re: NBA Preseason: Pistons vs. Cavs at Breslin..

Post by Guest 2018-08-13, 11:36

Robert J Sakimano wrote:probably posted somewhere else - but this is somewhat interesting.

I figure Dan Gilbert has something to do with it.. without LeBron, though, I'm wondering if the lower bowl will even be full. It's the Friday night before MSU at Penn State.. not sure if that's good or bad, in terms of attendance. NBA Preseason: Pistons vs. Cavs at Breslin..  2599972566

Detroit Pistons vs. Cleveland Cavaliers at Breslin

Will you be there rooting for Kevin Love?

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NBA Preseason: Pistons vs. Cavs at Breslin..  Empty Re: NBA Preseason: Pistons vs. Cavs at Breslin..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2018-08-13, 11:51

LooseGoose wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote:probably posted somewhere else - but this is somewhat interesting.

I figure Dan Gilbert has something to do with it.. without LeBron, though, I'm wondering if the lower bowl will even be full. It's the Friday night before MSU at Penn State.. not sure if that's good or bad, in terms of attendance. NBA Preseason: Pistons vs. Cavs at Breslin..  2599972566

Detroit Pistons vs. Cleveland Cavaliers at Breslin

Will you be there rooting for Kevin Love?
never heard of him.

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

Posts : 52593
Join date : 2014-04-15
Age : 55

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NBA Preseason: Pistons vs. Cavs at Breslin..  Empty Re: NBA Preseason: Pistons vs. Cavs at Breslin..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2018-08-13, 11:52

AvgMSUJoe wrote:It will fill, just for the novelty. If they had 2 though... probably not.

Piston's owner is an Alum too.
ya think?

you're right, they may fill it - but not because people will be buying tickets. I bet they will literally be giving tickets away late in the week..
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

Posts : 52593
Join date : 2014-04-15
Age : 55

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