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Dems and Pubs nominate two each for the MSU Board of Trustees

Floyd Robertson
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Dems and Pubs nominate two each for the MSU Board of Trustees  Empty Dems and Pubs nominate two each for the MSU Board of Trustees

Post by DWags 2018-08-26, 18:47

Here is the info on all four. Thought you all might want to be informed before we bitch. One of the candidates is a survivor. One had a daughter “treated “ by the asshole. They have a rundown here.

Info on candidates

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Dems and Pubs nominate two each for the MSU Board of Trustees  Empty Re: Dems and Pubs nominate two each for the MSU Board of Trustees

Post by Floyd Robertson 2018-08-26, 19:09

Thought this was interesting astronomical number to initiate getting rid of a certain trustee.

Floyd Robertson
Floyd Robertson

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Dems and Pubs nominate two each for the MSU Board of Trustees  Empty Re: Dems and Pubs nominate two each for the MSU Board of Trustees

Post by tGreenWay 2020-03-06, 00:00

Couldn’t remember which thread we were discussing Turd Ferguson in, but I’ll just go with this one. I realize it’s a political topic, but my guess is we’re all on the same page with this PITA.
The following story suggests he might be running, but there’s enough anti-Joel sentiment out there to threaten his re-nomination.,13918
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Dems and Pubs nominate two each for the MSU Board of Trustees  Empty Re: Dems and Pubs nominate two each for the MSU Board of Trustees

Post by WhiteBoyHatcher 2020-03-06, 00:30

Read it earlier. Thanks for posting.

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Dems and Pubs nominate two each for the MSU Board of Trustees  Empty Re: Dems and Pubs nominate two each for the MSU Board of Trustees

Post by tGreenWay 2020-03-06, 02:41

WhiteBoyHatcher wrote:Read it earlier. Thanks for posting.

Dems and Pubs nominate two each for the MSU Board of Trustees  55953254
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Dems and Pubs nominate two each for the MSU Board of Trustees  Empty Re: Dems and Pubs nominate two each for the MSU Board of Trustees

Post by AvgMSUJoe 2020-03-06, 08:44

Crooked asshole should be in jail based on what he did with the MSP headquarters alone.

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Dems and Pubs nominate two each for the MSU Board of Trustees  Empty Re: Dems and Pubs nominate two each for the MSU Board of Trustees

Post by NigelUno 2020-03-06, 08:59

I don't think the Dems will end up nominating him. They'll lose the seat if they do.

I could be wrong.

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