Spartan Swill
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Dennis Nunes, the California dairy farmer who isn't since his family sold and moved to Iowa

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Dennis Nunes, the California dairy farmer who isn't since his family sold and moved to Iowa Empty Dennis Nunes, the California dairy farmer who isn't since his family sold and moved to Iowa

Post by GRR Spartan 2018-10-01, 17:07

For the last 5 election cycles Nunes has portrayed himself as the son of multi-generation California dairy farmers who immigrated from Portugal.

But Nunes family sold the Central California family farm in Tulare and bought a dairy farm in NW Iowa (Steve King's district) in 2006 where cheap labor from undocumented workers is prevalent because Iowa employers are not required to use E Verify.
(Mollie Tibbets killer was an undocumented worker decribed as a good employee by the owners of the dairy farm where he worked for over 4 years)

That hasn't stopped Nunes from portraying himself as a farmer and his brother who moved to Iowa in 2006 has been the treasurer of Nunes campaigns since 2001.
GRR Spartan
GRR Spartan

Posts : 11356
Join date : 2014-04-25

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