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OTPT you picked well: Colorado capping insulin prices.

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OTPT you picked well: Colorado capping insulin prices.  Empty OTPT you picked well: Colorado capping insulin prices.

Post by DWags 2019-05-24, 06:16

Very progressive state

Colorado first state to cap insulin prices

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OTPT you picked well: Colorado capping insulin prices.  Empty Re: OTPT you picked well: Colorado capping insulin prices.

Post by steveschneider 2019-05-24, 10:07

Yeah, they've been doing some good work. Used to be a very red state. I bet they have good balance, probably reign in taxes, promote responsible gun ownership, protect nature (big industry is tourism) and good at legalizing drugs.

My home state needs to step up to the plate and legalize marijuana. It's embarrassing how far behind the pack they are on this one.

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OTPT you picked well: Colorado capping insulin prices.  Empty Re: OTPT you picked well: Colorado capping insulin prices.

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2019-05-24, 10:42

OTPT you picked well: Colorado capping insulin prices.  969504605 Can’t imagine living anywhere else in the US
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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OTPT you picked well: Colorado capping insulin prices.  Empty Re: OTPT you picked well: Colorado capping insulin prices.

Post by GRR Spartan 2019-05-24, 13:22

Look for Vermont and MA to follow next.
GRR Spartan
GRR Spartan

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OTPT you picked well: Colorado capping insulin prices.  Empty Re: OTPT you picked well: Colorado capping insulin prices.

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