Spartan Swill
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Phoenix fire destroys Democratic Party AZ and Maricopa County party HQ’s

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Phoenix fire destroys Democratic Party  AZ and Maricopa County party HQ’s  Empty Phoenix fire destroys Democratic Party AZ and Maricopa County party HQ’s

Post by GRR Spartan 2020-07-25, 13:17

Last night (7-24-20) an arsonist torched the Democratic Party Headquarters for AZ and Maricopa, it’s largest county. The building’s been declared a total loss.

A tight US Senate race and projected gains in state races make the timing more than

Brief history lesson. In June 1973, Arizona Republic investigative reporter Don Bolles was killed when a bomb was remotely set off as he pulled out of a hotel asking lot close to where he was supposed to meet an informant. At the time Bolles was investigating organized crime connections with AZ land deals.

Everything is on the table in AZ if you rock the boat and destroying the Democratic state headquarters is a sign some people are getting too close to winning in November and rocking the boat.
GRR Spartan
GRR Spartan

Posts : 11362
Join date : 2014-04-25

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