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The 2020 Presidential campaign.

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by kingstonlake 2020-11-06, 11:27

If Biden holds a 4 million popular vote advantage, that 4 million is larger than 25 of the 50 states population.
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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by kingstonlake 2020-11-06, 11:29

Ronna McDaniel claiming very serious violations in Michigan (yeah, I know it's her job). Of all the suits thrown out there she focused exclusively on Michigan.
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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by Motown Spartan 2020-11-06, 11:42

It’s funny (ironic) watching the GOP protesters in Detroit right now and thinking “don’t they have jobs to go to?”
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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by MiamiSpartan 2020-11-06, 11:42

Watch Out Pylon! wrote:Pelosi calling this a mandate for Biden.

Slow your roll, lady.

Well, FWIW, when all votes are counted (remember lots of "called" states are still counting, even though it won't change who wins their state), Biden is expected to have the 2nd largest margin in the popular vote since 2000.

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by steveschneider 2020-11-06, 11:47

Going off Cohn, Silver and Bitecofer seems like the threshold has been crossed. Just call the damn thing.

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by Floyd Robertson 2020-11-06, 11:48

MiamiSpartan wrote:
Watch Out Pylon! wrote:Pelosi calling this a mandate for Biden.

Slow your roll, lady.

Well, FWIW, when all votes are counted (remember lots of "called" states are still counting, even though it won't change who wins their state), Biden is expected to have the 2nd largest margin in the popular vote since 2000.

But that's just in terms of gross vote totals, right? The mandate is only derived the percentage spread, IMHO.
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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by Cameron 2020-11-06, 11:50

Mandate for the Dems would be if they made gains in the house and took the senate. Since neither of those appear likely, it strikes me much more as a referendum on Trump than a mandate for Grandpa Joe.

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by Heathens '87 2020-11-06, 12:01

Speaker Pelosi and other Democratic leaders will use the word "mandate."  It isn't President-Elect Biden's style to do so.  He's been quite clear that he's running as a course correction - a healer in chief.  A one-term President isn't exactly common either.  Bush and Carter in modern times, but then back to Hoover in 1928.  I don't see a mandate but I do think Biden is setting the needed tone....
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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by steveschneider 2020-11-06, 12:20


Goosebumps. I wonder if there a Vegas line on somebody eating a horse turd in that town.

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2020-11-06, 12:21

Been out mowing one last time, leaf blowing, winterizing the Sakimano Estate, etc.

I appreciate y'all keeping me up to date here.
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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by MiamiSpartan 2020-11-06, 12:29

Floyd Robertson wrote:
MiamiSpartan wrote:

Well, FWIW, when all votes are counted (remember lots of "called" states are still counting, even though it won't change who wins their state), Biden is expected to have the 2nd largest margin in the popular vote since 2000.

But that's just in terms of gross vote totals, right? The mandate is only derived the percentage spread, IMHO.

I believe it is based on the percentage. Obama won by 7% in 2008, which is the biggest spread since 96, but only by 3.9% in 2012 (the current 2nd biggest spread. A lot of votes have to be counted in the blue states (mostly mail in), including California, so Silver or whoever said it thinks he might get up over a 4% margin in the popular vote.

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by Motown Spartan 2020-11-06, 12:39

Apparently Rush Limbaugh just called the election for Biden. Dominos are starting to fall.
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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by kingstonlake 2020-11-06, 13:27

Motown Spartan wrote:Apparently Rush Limbaugh just called the election for Biden.  Dominos are starting to fall.  

Appropriate that it'll probably be the last one he'll ever make.
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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2020-11-06, 13:36

kingstonlake wrote:
Motown Spartan wrote:Apparently Rush Limbaugh just called the election for Biden.  Dominos are starting to fall.  

Appropriate that it'll probably be the last one he'll ever make.

The 2020 Presidential campaign. Tenor
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Watch Out Pylon!

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by steveschneider 2020-11-06, 13:39

Screw the networks. It’s over and we don’t need them to make it official. It’s Friday let the celebration begin.

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by DWags 2020-11-06, 14:09

The 2020 Presidential campaign. Img_0310

The 2020 Presidential campaign. Img_0311

The 2020 Presidential campaign. Img_0312

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by kingstonlake 2020-11-06, 14:10

LOL Wags!
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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2020-11-06, 14:14

When can I pop the champagne I bought?
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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by WhiteBoyHatcher 2020-11-06, 14:20

I'm pretty cautious and anti jinx. I think you can pop it.

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by Floyd Robertson 2020-11-06, 14:24

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:When can I pop the champagne I bought?

Pop it when Biden speaks to the nation in prime time tonight.
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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2020-11-06, 14:41

Floyd Robertson wrote:
Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:When can I pop the champagne I bought?

Pop it when Biden speaks to the nation in prime time tonight.

This seems fitting and i can have beer until then. do we know what time?

Nvm 8pm est
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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by steveschneider 2020-11-06, 14:48

Trump is planning a victory rally and won't concede.

Worth a review if you are curious about all the challenges ahead. He goes over the extreme scenarios. Personally I'm not worried he's done but he is going to hang there as long as he can.

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by MiamiSpartan 2020-11-06, 14:58

Remember, the vote counts is just the next step. We have a couple of weeks or more before most states certify their ballots. We have until mid-December before electors cast their votes. And we have until early January before the electoral votes are read before Congress.

Meanwhile, the legal wrangling will kick into high(er) gear. The idiot protests will kick into gear. And regardless of the outcome of any of that, there is up to 2.5 months that Trump has to be vindictive against this country.

But the vote count, and Biden getting full agreement from all the media that he IS the official President-Elect is a very huge and important step. I'm encouraged that the early legal challenges have been so weak and many thrown out. And that Pennsylvania's margin is likely to grow more than big enough that any battle over counting votes after election day, won't matter. But there is still the chance of a lot of nonsense.

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by steveschneider 2020-11-06, 15:00

MiamiSpartan wrote:Remember, the vote counts is just the next step. We have a couple of weeks or more before most states certify their ballots. We have until mid-December before electors cast their votes. And we have until early January before the electoral votes are read before Congress.

Meanwhile, the legal wrangling will kick into high(er) gear. The idiot protests will kick into gear. And regardless of the outcome of any of that, there is up to 2.5 months that Trump has to be vindictive against this country.

But the vote count, and Biden getting full agreement from all the media that he IS the official President-Elect is a very huge and important step. I'm encouraged that the early legal challenges have been so weak and many thrown out. And that Pennsylvania's margin is likely to grow more than big enough that any battle over counting votes after election day, won't matter. But there is still the chance of a lot of nonsense.

Might not be a bad time to put the 25th amendment to test. Can't let some asshole that is a sore loser and can't take this like a man take down the country with him.

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2020-11-06, 15:06


cheers The 2020 Presidential campaign. 969504605 The 2020 Presidential campaign. 3493939353 The 2020 Presidential campaign. 2275418548 The 2020 Presidential campaign. 3965261927 The 2020 Presidential campaign. 3434560931
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by Cameron 2020-11-06, 15:18

I hope Trump spends all of his time and energy over the next 2-3 months fighting these quixotic court battles. If he just accepted the loss and spent that time issuing executive orders, he could do a lot of damage.

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by steveschneider 2020-11-06, 15:21

Cameron wrote:I hope Trump spends all of his time and energy over the next 2-3 months fighting these quixotic court battles. If he just accepted the loss and spent that time issuing executive orders, he could do a lot of damage.

"quixotic" The 2020 Presidential campaign. 3493939353

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by MiamiSpartan 2020-11-06, 15:56

steveschneider wrote:
MiamiSpartan wrote:Remember, the vote counts is just the next step. We have a couple of weeks or more before most states certify their ballots. We have until mid-December before electors cast their votes. And we have until early January before the electoral votes are read before Congress.

Meanwhile, the legal wrangling will kick into high(er) gear. The idiot protests will kick into gear. And regardless of the outcome of any of that, there is up to 2.5 months that Trump has to be vindictive against this country.

But the vote count, and Biden getting full agreement from all the media that he IS the official President-Elect is a very huge and important step. I'm encouraged that the early legal challenges have been so weak and many thrown out. And that Pennsylvania's margin is likely to grow more than big enough that any battle over counting votes after election day, won't matter. But there is still the chance of a lot of nonsense.

Might not be a bad time to put the 25th amendment to test. Can't let some asshole that is a sore loser and can't take this like a man take down the country with him.

Hard to imagine enough of the sycophants in the cabinet going along with it.

But if he truly does feel that he is in legal trouble, he may resign so that Pence can pardon him. But he could probably wait until January 19th to do that.

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by kingstonlake 2020-11-06, 15:57

Cameron wrote:I hope Trump spends all of his time and energy over the next 2-3 months fighting these quixotic court battles. If he just accepted the loss and spent that time issuing executive orders, he could do a lot of damage.

His time be better spent focusing on pending legal issues.
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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by Floyd Robertson 2020-11-06, 17:57

kingstonlake wrote:
Cameron wrote:I hope Trump spends all of his time and energy over the next 2-3 months fighting these quixotic court battles. If he just accepted the loss and spent that time issuing executive orders, he could do a lot of damage.

His time be better spent focusing on pending legal issues.

Yep. Swallwell is coming for Trump and his family.
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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by MiamiSpartan 2020-11-06, 17:57

Trump is, of course, begging for money to support his legal challenges. But if you plan on donating (because I know you guys will be), be aware that according to the fine print only 50% goes toward the recount fund. The other 50% goes toward his campaign's debt retirement.

But he could have raised more money than Biden if he wanted to.

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by steveschneider 2020-11-06, 18:03

MiamiSpartan wrote:
steveschneider wrote:

Might not be a bad time to put the 25th amendment to test. Can't let some asshole that is a sore loser and can't take this like a man take down the country with him.

Hard to imagine enough of the sycophants in the cabinet going along with it.

But if he truly does feel that he is in legal trouble, he may resign so that Pence can pardon him. But he could probably wait until January 19th to do that.

I don’t know keeping him around is going to be pretty damaging to our country. There’s some real nuts ready to go to war, there’s right wing terrorists and this guy is putting logs on the fire. This could actually get really ugly. News needs to call it and the right wingers need to have a talk to him about conceding with grace.

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by GRR Spartan 2020-11-06, 18:07

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:When can I pop the champagne I bought?

I have a bottle of champagne that's been buried in the back of my refrigerator since Election Day 2016.

Thinking about opening after Nevada and PA are declared for Biden. Beginning to think of the light at the end of the tunnel isn't a train hurdling at me.
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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2020-11-06, 18:08

Fucking perfect. The 2020 Presidential campaign. 502811600
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Watch Out Pylon!

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by MattyFresh 2020-11-06, 18:34

Got my small dose of Fox News.. Jesse Watters on there saying that 4 states are razor thin like 2000 Florida. He was liking the 2020 results of Pennsylvania (14,541+), Michigan (146,123), Arizona (39,400+/-), and Wisconsin (20,542) to 2000 Bush v Gore in Florida... that vote was separated by 537 votes Jesse! I swear people on Fox News are so dense...

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2020-11-06, 18:49

MattyFresh wrote:Got my small dose of Fox News.. Jesse Watters on there saying that 4 states are razor thin like 2000 Florida. He was liking the 2020 results of Pennsylvania (14,541+), Michigan (146,123), Arizona (39,400+/-), and Wisconsin (20,542) to 2000 Bush v Gore in Florida... that vote was separated by 537 votes Jesse! I swear people on Fox News are so dense...

But he didn't include the actual closest vote in Georgia?

Que fuck?
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by Rocinante 2020-11-06, 19:26

What the fuck. Just call it goddammit.

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by steveschneider 2020-11-06, 19:31

He won’t leave. He’s attempting a coupe. The time to give him the boot is now.


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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by MiamiSpartan 2020-11-06, 19:43

steveschneider wrote:He won’t leave. He’s attempting a coupe. The time to give him the boot is now.

Calling for a certain coup in order to head of what you think will be a coup. Glad to see the inconsistency coming from both sides.

He has a right to challenge the results. Just because you don't want him to doesn't mean he doesn't have the right.

His challenges are bullshit. Many have been thrown out already. Many more will be thrown out and/or will be irrelevant to the final result.

If it wasn't for all the damage he could do until then, I'd actually like to see him refuse to leave, just to see him get perp-walked out of the White House.

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The 2020 Presidential campaign. Empty Re: The 2020 Presidential campaign.

Post by MiamiSpartan 2020-11-06, 19:46

I love how much Trump wants every vote counted now, even those received after election day (such as military ballots) while simultaneously going to the Supreme Court to get votes thrown out if they were received after election day (such as military ballots).

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