Spartan Swill
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This is kind of embarrassing.

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This is kind of embarrassing.   Empty This is kind of embarrassing.

Post by DWags Thu Sep 30, 2021 4:43 pm

It’s why I kind of knew the whole swag surfing thing might fall flat. We need a PSA as a fan base to tell us what to do and when. We’re like that commercial where the kids are turning into their parents and the guy is trying to talk them down.

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This is kind of embarrassing.   Empty Re: This is kind of embarrassing.

Post by DWags Thu Sep 30, 2021 4:43 pm


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This is kind of embarrassing.   Empty Re: This is kind of embarrassing.

Post by tGreenWay Thu Sep 30, 2021 4:54 pm

1 2 3 first down State? I don’t think so. This is kind of embarrassing.   3742235224
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This is kind of embarrassing.   Empty Re: This is kind of embarrassing.

Post by tGreenWay Thu Sep 30, 2021 4:55 pm

And yeah, a little embarrassing, but at least not cringeworthy.
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This is kind of embarrassing.   Empty Re: This is kind of embarrassing.

Post by Heat Miser Thu Sep 30, 2021 5:17 pm

Meh. Getting 70k people to do anything together requires some coordination. Like herding cats. Back in the day it was the "tastes great" - "less filling" student chant that got panties in a bunch. If only they'd known what was coming. This is kind of embarrassing.   1494614055

More communication from the program is always a good thing in my book.
Heat Miser
Heat Miser
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This is kind of embarrassing.   Empty Re: This is kind of embarrassing.

Post by NigelUno Thu Sep 30, 2021 5:19 pm

Keep Choppin'.

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This is kind of embarrassing.   Empty Re: This is kind of embarrassing.

Post by steveschneider Sat Oct 02, 2021 8:43 am

Social media is a powerful tool. Nice to see it be used for some good for a change.

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This is kind of embarrassing.   Empty Re: This is kind of embarrassing.

Post by Nordic Sat Oct 02, 2021 9:41 am

DWags wrote:It’s why I kind of knew the whole swag surfing thing might fall flat. We need a PSA as a fan base to tell us what to do and when. We’re like that commercial where the kids are turning into their parents and the guy is trying to talk them down.

The audio/visual crew at SS has been an absolute trainwrevk this year.  Last week they couldn't get the down and distance right. Someone/thing is obv new up there. The old dude would have changed it before you had chance to look at it. And you would never even question it. Quick and reliable. Last week was neither accurate nor timely.

They are trying new stuff audio wise, and I'm cool with that. A lot of it was out dated. But execution has been awful. Pretty sure there is a DJ now and they'll mix an old cut from up in the booth with a new cut from the DJ (I think). But the sound quality between the two is noticeable different. The sound quality of the new is really bad.

Transitions are off. Fans don't know what's going on or what do. The team intro is a perfect example. The video boards show Mel/team walking through the tunnel, which cool. They play a quick 5s Thuderstruck (which sounds normal) to get your attention. Then no sound, team is running out and Swag Surfing starts. Team is halfway down the feild and you can't hear what is playing because the sound sucks  Complete fail both weeks. I don't really give a shit what kind of music they play, but it has got to make sense to the situation. Are we getting excited, tense, fired up? There are triggers. Right now it is just uncordinated poor sound quality noise.

It's also fucking constant. There is no break from sound and flashing lights. Honestly that might drive me away. I don't need constant stimulus from snap to snap. The new on feild video board looks pretty cool on TV, but it is just constant ads/flashing lights in the stands (from my seats anyway). And I get they are for ads. But mix in some fucking game scores. Want me engaged? Then keep me from having to go to my phone for updates.

They need to tighten shit up.

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This is kind of embarrassing.   Empty Re: This is kind of embarrassing.

Post by steveschneider Sat Oct 02, 2021 4:17 pm

Nordic wrote:
DWags wrote:It’s why I kind of knew the whole swag surfing thing might fall flat. We need a PSA as a fan base to tell us what to do and when. We’re like that commercial where the kids are turning into their parents and the guy is trying to talk them down.

The audio/visual crew at SS has been an absolute trainwrevk this year.  Last week they couldn't get the down and distance right. Someone/thing is obv new up there. The old dude would have changed it before you had chance to look at it. And you would never even question it. Quick and reliable. Last week was neither accurate nor timely.

They are trying new stuff audio wise, and I'm cool with that. A lot of it was out dated. But execution has been awful. Pretty sure there is a DJ now and they'll mix an old cut from up in the booth with a new cut from the DJ (I think). But the sound quality between the two is noticeable different. The sound quality of the new is really bad.

Transitions are off. Fans don't know what's going on or what do. The team intro is a perfect example. The video boards show Mel/team walking through the tunnel, which cool. They play a quick 5s Thuderstruck (which sounds normal) to get your attention. Then no sound, team is running out and Swag Surfing starts. Team is halfway down the feild and you can't hear what is playing because the sound sucks  Complete fail both weeks. I don't really give a shit what kind of music they play, but it has got to make sense to the situation. Are we getting excited, tense, fired up? There are triggers. Right now it is just uncordinated poor sound quality noise.

It's also fucking constant. There is no break from sound and flashing lights. Honestly that might drive me away. I don't need constant stimulus from snap to snap. The new on feild video board looks pretty cool on TV, but it is just constant ads/flashing lights in the stands (from my seats anyway). And I get they are for ads. But mix in some fucking game scores. Want me engaged? Then keep me from having to go to my phone for updates.

They need to tighten shit up.

We live in an A.D.D. nation. People need constant stimulation from A/V and they find it comforting. I can't stand it, I'd rather just enjoy the ambient sounds of the game and the crowd.

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