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Downtown (Lansing) restaurant shuffle.

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Downtown (Lansing) restaurant shuffle.  Empty Downtown (Lansing) restaurant shuffle.

Post by Jaheab 2014-07-31, 10:27

Anyone downtown may have noticed that Edmund's at the corner of Michigan and Washington closed their doors after the past weekend. The restaurant group that owns the space (as well as Troppo & Tavern) will be renovating and moving their Tavern concept into the space. The former Tavern will become the new Black Rose (which used to be attached to Edmund's). That's not the only change, the executive chef that has headed up the group since the opening of Troppo was let go.

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Join date : 2014-05-03

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Downtown (Lansing) restaurant shuffle.  Empty Re: Downtown (Lansing) restaurant shuffle.

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2014-07-31, 13:10

Jaheab wrote:Anyone downtown may have noticed that Edmund's at the corner of Michigan and Washington closed their doors after the past weekend. The restaurant group that owns the space (as well as Troppo & Tavern) will be renovating and moving their Tavern concept into the space. The former Tavern will become the new Black Rose (which used to be attached to Edmund's). That's not the only change, the executive chef that has headed up the group since the opening of Troppo was let go.

I've actually stopped into The Black Rose once or twice - always got the feeling that it was sort of the "bar" side of Edumund's.. and if you wanted to order food, you could - but it came from Edmund's which, as you mentioned, sort of occupied the same space.

That's actually a decent little corner there - better than anything going on in East Lansing, certainly, from a restaurant perspective.

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Downtown (Lansing) restaurant shuffle.  Empty Re: Downtown (Lansing) restaurant shuffle.

Post by Herbie Green 2014-09-23, 18:05

Hmmm. I have been to the restaurant and the bar. They seemed like the same place to me. I thought the place had a great concept - San Francisco prices with a downtown Lansing ambience.
Actually the burger at Edmonds was one of the best I ever had
Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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