Spartan Swill
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MTG. Taking the hood off and talking directly to her racist constituents

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MTG.  Taking the hood off and talking directly to her racist constituents  Empty MTG. Taking the hood off and talking directly to her racist constituents

Post by DWags 2023-02-19, 10:37

Have you guys ever heard. “I have a ton of BLACK friends”. Or maybe “my white brother in law is probably even lazier than black people”. Hmmmmmm well let’s listen to Marjorie.

And I know it doesn’t matter. She has carte Blanche as far as saying what the hell she wants. Disgusting.


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MTG.  Taking the hood off and talking directly to her racist constituents  Empty Re: MTG. Taking the hood off and talking directly to her racist constituents

Post by Trapper Gus 2023-02-19, 12:51

Seems like every insensitive race issue denier has "friends".
Trapper Gus
Trapper Gus

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MTG.  Taking the hood off and talking directly to her racist constituents  Empty Re: MTG. Taking the hood off and talking directly to her racist constituents

Post by Trapper Gus 2023-04-22, 08:51

Trapper Gus
Trapper Gus

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MTG.  Taking the hood off and talking directly to her racist constituents  Empty Re: MTG. Taking the hood off and talking directly to her racist constituents

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