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Looks Like Advertising Does Work

Robert J Sakimano
Trapper Gus
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Looks Like Advertising Does Work - Page 2 Empty Re: Looks Like Advertising Does Work

Post by steveschneider 2023-07-28, 09:14

Bud Light to lay off workers.

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Looks Like Advertising Does Work - Page 2 Empty Re: Looks Like Advertising Does Work

Post by GRR Spartan 2023-07-28, 09:28

InBev owned AB lays off 350 Bud Light production workers while InBev owned Corona that owns Modelo sat back and watched Modelo US market share pass BudLight.

Just a multinational conglomerate seeing assets leave one brewer to another on their organizational chart.

Billionaire problems.
GRR Spartan
GRR Spartan

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Looks Like Advertising Does Work - Page 2 Empty Re: Looks Like Advertising Does Work

Post by sεяεηιτλ 2023-07-28, 20:32

GRR Spartan wrote:InBev owned AB lays off 350 Bud Light production workers while InBev owned Corona that owns Modelo sat back and watched Modelo US market share pass BudLight.

Just a multinational conglomerate seeing assets leave one brewer to another on their organizational chart.

Billionaire problems.

I didn't realize that relationship.

That kind of kills Desantis' argument that inbev was derelict in it's duty to shareholders. D told his government to sue inbev or some shit over the dumb budlight protest he helped egg on. Desantis logic: cry about some random promotion by a corporation, a corporation his state invests 200+ million into, support boycot of said corporation's beverage to tank sales, sue corporation for the gall they had to be irresponsible to shareholders, oops most of that money movement likely went into other inbev products so yeah

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Looks Like Advertising Does Work - Page 2 Empty Re: Looks Like Advertising Does Work

Post by Kilberandy 2024-09-17, 07:51

It's clear that people are really sensitive to how companies position themselves publicly, and sometimes, even a strong ad campaign can't counteract the backlash from a misstep in branding. But there's no denying that well-targeted advertising can work.

The tricky part is finding the right balance. Some companies rely too heavily on the same strategies, and that gets old fast. In contrast, others go for more subtle or unique approaches, which can pay off long-term. If you’re looking to maximize reach or even experiment with different ad formats, tools like "searchseo" can help a lot with tweaking campaigns, tracking what works, and adjusting as needed.

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Looks Like Advertising Does Work - Page 2 Empty Re: Looks Like Advertising Does Work

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