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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

duffy munn
GRR Spartan
Pervis Muldoon
Travis of the Cosmos
Trapper Gus
Robert J Sakimano
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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by AvgMSUJoe 2024-09-11, 17:26

TravelinMan wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote:
I've always said "if we never had Barack Obama, we wouldn't have the racist, bigoted, christian sexual predator, convicted rapist and convicted felon".

a bright, successful, black man who embodied the very virtues that republicans/libertarians have always promoted - family, faith, honor, decency, success - was more than they could take.

They seethed at the sight of a black man being respected and adored not only in America, but the world over. It was more than republicans/libertarians could take and, in 2016, they decided it was time to punish America for it.

simple thesis? Yep - but I'm a simple guy and I can guarantee you that this was the genesis of MAGA.

So you’re saying that electing a black man President actually DID ruin the country?!?
That was kinda funny.

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by TravelinMan 2024-09-11, 17:39

AvgMSUJoe wrote:
TravelinMan wrote:

So you’re saying that electing a black man President actually DID ruin the country?!?
That was kinda funny.

Finally SOMEBODY around here has a sense of humor.

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by TravelinMan 2024-09-11, 17:59

Robert J Sakimano wrote:
TravelinMan wrote:

So you’re saying that electing a black man President actually DID ruin the country?!?
I'm saying that your party's racist response to electing a black president is why we got your christian hero.

but if it makes you feel better to blame Barack Obama, I wouldn't expect anything less from you. Go right ahead.

I hate to break it to you, Bob, but you're becoming a bit of a bore. Maybe tell us more about bikes or 74 year old musicians?

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2024-09-11, 18:56

TravelinMan wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote: I'm saying that your party's racist response to electing a black president is why we got your christian hero.

but if it makes you feel better to blame Barack Obama, I wouldn't expect anything less from you. Go right ahead.

I hate to break it to you, Bob, but you're becoming a bit of a bore.  Maybe tell us more about bikes or 74 year old musicians?  
I am the most boring person I know. Congratulations on being the last person here to realize that. tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 969504605   tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 502811600

Feel free to ignore me. You'll be much happier.. and good luck to you and your christian hero.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by NigelUno 2024-09-11, 19:27

TravelinMan wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote: I'm saying that your party's racist response to electing a black president is why we got your christian hero.

but if it makes you feel better to blame Barack Obama, I wouldn't expect anything less from you. Go right ahead.

I hate to break it to you, Bob, but you're becoming a bit of a bore. Maybe tell us more about bikes or 74 year old musicians?

How old is Trump?

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by sεяεηιτλ 2024-09-11, 20:17

TravelinMan wrote:
AvgMSUJoe wrote:
That was kinda funny.

Finally SOMEBODY around here has a sense of humor.  

I thought it was amusing too but i'm too busy being angry and tweeting @ trumpers about kamala winning

tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 200.gif?cid=ddb306a5q20bvz06t35bzebtt5ezpbuoa5ibnmol2e6lf7aw&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by GRR Spartan 2024-09-11, 20:21

Did J D Vance's wife made a cat casserole from her Indian immigrant mom's recipe book that was disappointing and now cats aren't acceptable cuisine?
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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by TravelinMan 2024-09-11, 20:30

NigelUno wrote:
TravelinMan wrote:

I hate to break it to you, Bob, but you're becoming a bit of a bore. Maybe tell us more about bikes or 74 year old musicians?

How old is Trump?

Too old.

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by aualum06 2024-09-11, 20:42


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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by duffy munn 2024-09-11, 20:44

Robert J Sakimano wrote:
TravelinMan wrote:

I hate to break it to you, Bob, but you're becoming a bit of a bore.  Maybe tell us more about bikes or 74 year old musicians?  
I am the most boring person I know. Congratulations on being the last person here to realize that. tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 969504605   tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 502811600

Feel free to ignore me. You'll be much happier.. and good luck to you and your christian hero.

Serious question Bob. Do you think ALL Christians are bad people?
duffy munn

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by DWags 2024-09-11, 20:49

Oh man. Miller got his ass kicked.

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by sεяεηιτλ 2024-09-11, 20:54

aualum06 wrote:


hahahahahahaha omg that guy is a sweaty piece of shit

That reporter is amazing.

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by DWags 2024-09-11, 21:08

duffy munn wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote:
I am the most boring person I know. Congratulations on being the last person here to realize that. tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 969504605   tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 502811600

Feel free to ignore me. You'll be much happier.. and good luck to you and your christian hero.

Serious question Bob. Do you think ALL Christians are bad people?

Not Bob, but I think modern organized religion is pretty messed up

I was raised by an Italian Catholic mother. Just like you. In the 60’s and 70’s our little church in Manistee did some real cool things for our community and for those in it who needed a hand up. Monsignor Guzikowski finished many a bottle with my dad on Saturdays watching football, but they did great things.

We’ve lost that in my opinion. I joined my wife’s church because they went hard helping the homeless in our area. My wife worked her ass off for it. I helped because it was such a great thing seeing my wife doing what she did. She showed my daughters by example what can be done for people. Then, like Manistee, politics took over the church. I won’t go o er the shit that went down but it sucked how even in a progressive church with great outreach programs a few power hungry people can put an end to them for pet projects.

Then, the “Christian’s” in our church get the bad name and reputation that we’re talking about.

If you ask my wife if she’s a Christian she’ll tell you she believes in Jesus Christ, but I don’t think she wants to belong to any organized religion anymore. I tell my friends she’s more spiritual than Christian, but maybe I don’t understand what a chrisymtian is anymore.

IMO organized “Christian’s” are too anxious to want kudos for doing good work. Instead of just doing good work.

Shit is confusing.

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2024-09-11, 21:15

duffy munn wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote:
I am the most boring person I know. Congratulations on being the last person here to realize that.  tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 969504605   tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 502811600

Feel free to ignore me. You'll be much happier.. and good luck to you and your christian hero.

Serious question Bob. Do you think ALL Christians are bad people?
serious answer: yes, until proven otherwise.

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2024-09-11, 21:17

DWags wrote:
duffy munn wrote:

Serious question Bob. Do you think ALL Christians are bad people?

Not Bob, but I think modern organized religion is pretty messed up

I was raised by an Italian Catholic mother. Just like you.  In the 60’s and 70’s our little church in Manistee did some real cool things for our community and for those in it who needed a hand up. Monsignor Guzikowski finished many a bottle with my dad on Saturdays watching football, but they did great things.  

We’ve lost that in my opinion. I joined my wife’s church because they went hard helping the homeless in our area.  My wife worked her ass off for it. I helped because it was such a great thing seeing my wife doing what she did.  She showed my daughters by example what can be done for people. Then, like Manistee, politics took over the church.  I won’t go o er the shit that went down but it sucked how even in a progressive church with great outreach programs a few power hungry people can put an end to them for pet projects.  

Then, the “Christian’s” in our church get the bad name and reputation that we’re talking about.  

If you ask my wife if she’s a Christian she’ll tell you she believes in Jesus Christ, but I don’t think she wants to belong to any organized religion anymore.  I tell my friends she’s more spiritual than Christian, but maybe I don’t understand what a chrisymtian is anymore.  

IMO organized “Christian’s” are too anxious to want kudos for doing good work. Instead of just doing good work.

Shit is confusing.
I obviously admire and respect you and your wife.. but like I tell some 'christian' folks I know, if you need religion to tell you how to treat folks, your problem isn't the absence of religion.

I know you get that. Wink
Robert J Sakimano
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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by duffy munn 2024-09-11, 21:49

DWags wrote:
duffy munn wrote:

Serious question Bob. Do you think ALL Christians are bad people?

Not Bob, but I think modern organized religion is pretty messed up

I was raised by an Italian Catholic mother. Just like you. In the 60’s and 70’s our little church in Manistee did some real cool things for our community and for those in it who needed a hand up. Monsignor Guzikowski finished many a bottle with my dad on Saturdays watching football, but they did great things.

We’ve lost that in my opinion. I joined my wife’s church because they went hard helping the homeless in our area. My wife worked her ass off for it. I helped because it was such a great thing seeing my wife doing what she did. She showed my daughters by example what can be done for people. Then, like Manistee, politics took over the church. I won’t go o er the shit that went down but it sucked how even in a progressive church with great outreach programs a few power hungry people can put an end to them for pet projects.

Then, the “Christian’s” in our church get the bad name and reputation that we’re talking about.

If you ask my wife if she’s a Christian she’ll tell you she believes in Jesus Christ, but I don’t think she wants to belong to any organized religion anymore. I tell my friends she’s more spiritual than Christian, but maybe I don’t understand what a chrisymtian is anymore.

IMO organized “Christian’s” are too anxious to want kudos for doing good work. Instead of just doing good work.

Shit is confusing.

Well said Dwags. I was raised catholic and in so many ways now I'm disgusted by the catholic church. But to me being a "christian" really has little to do with believing Jesus Christ, God or really any organized.

I consider myself a christian because I believe I should treat others the way I expect to be treated. And because kindness is something we should all practice.
duffy munn

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by DWags 2024-09-11, 21:50

duffy munn wrote:
DWags wrote:

Not Bob, but I think modern organized religion is pretty messed up

I was raised by an Italian Catholic mother. Just like you. In the 60’s and 70’s our little church in Manistee did some real cool things for our community and for those in it who needed a hand up. Monsignor Guzikowski finished many a bottle with my dad on Saturdays watching football, but they did great things.

We’ve lost that in my opinion. I joined my wife’s church because they went hard helping the homeless in our area. My wife worked her ass off for it. I helped because it was such a great thing seeing my wife doing what she did. She showed my daughters by example what can be done for people. Then, like Manistee, politics took over the church. I won’t go o er the shit that went down but it sucked how even in a progressive church with great outreach programs a few power hungry people can put an end to them for pet projects.

Then, the “Christian’s” in our church get the bad name and reputation that we’re talking about.

If you ask my wife if she’s a Christian she’ll tell you she believes in Jesus Christ, but I don’t think she wants to belong to any organized religion anymore. I tell my friends she’s more spiritual than Christian, but maybe I don’t understand what a chrisymtian is anymore.

IMO organized “Christian’s” are too anxious to want kudos for doing good work. Instead of just doing good work.

Shit is confusing.

Well said Dwags. I was raised catholic and in so many ways now I'm disgusted by the catholic church. But to me being a "christian" really has little to do with believing Jesus Christ, God or really any organized.

I consider myself a christian because I believe I should treat others the way I expect to be treated. And because kindness is something we should all practice.

Right on.

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by duffy munn 2024-09-11, 21:54

Robert J Sakimano wrote:
duffy munn wrote:

Serious question Bob. Do you think ALL Christians are bad people?
serious answer: yes, until proven otherwise.

I figured as much but thought I would ask anyway. I just hope, and again figure, you understand you are really not much better than the people you despise.

Bigotry is bigotry.
duffy munn

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by Motown Spartan 2024-09-11, 22:08

There’s no hate like Christian love.
Motown Spartan
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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2024-09-12, 05:23

duffy munn wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote:
serious answer: yes, until proven otherwise.

I figured as much but thought I would ask anyway. I just hope, and again figure, you understand you are really not much better than the people you despise.

Bigotry is bigotry.
100%, dude.

Very far from being even marginally tolerable and I have no problem admitting it. But what folks will get from me is self-awareness and a diplomatic honesty which may count for something. It's for them to decide.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by duffy munn 2024-09-12, 08:10

Robert J Sakimano wrote:
duffy munn wrote:

I figured as much but thought I would ask anyway. I just hope, and again figure, you understand you are really not much better than the people you despise.

Bigotry is bigotry.
100%, dude.

Very far from being even marginally tolerable and I have no problem admitting it. But what folks will get from me is self-awareness and a diplomatic honesty which may count for something. It's for them to decide.

So basically you are what you hate. Got it.
duffy munn

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2024-09-12, 08:22

duffy munn wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote:
100%, dude.

Very far from being even marginally tolerable and I have no problem admitting it. But what folks will get from me is self-awareness and a diplomatic honesty which may count for something. It's for them to decide.

So basically you are what you hate. Got it.
if that's how you interpret it, that's cool.

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2024-09-12, 08:23

so do you think the racist, bigoted, christian sexual predator, convicted rapist and convicted felon will 'debate' Kamala again?

from what I can tell, it sounds like he got enough of a smart, articulate, intelligent woman of color the other night to last him a while. tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 502811600
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by sεяεηιτλ 2024-09-12, 09:25

Robert J Sakimano wrote:so do you think the racist, bigoted, christian sexual predator, convicted rapist and convicted felon will 'debate' Kamala again?

from what I can tell, it sounds like he got enough of a smart, articulate, intelligent woman of color the other night to last him a while. tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 502811600

He won't.  He will claim that he has little to gain from another one because everyone knows he won by a lot. She was a disgrace. In fact he's doing Kamala a favor by not debating again so she doesn't have another chance to embarrass herself again.  He really should do it but he's not because the immigrants are coming in and killing our children, the gangs, don't you care about our children?

Last edited by sεяεηιτλ on 2024-09-12, 09:49; edited 1 time in total

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2024-09-12, 09:34

sεяεηιτλ wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote:so do you think the racist, bigoted, christian sexual predator, convicted rapist and convicted felon will 'debate' Kamala again?

from what I can tell, it sounds like he got enough of a smart, articulate, intelligent woman of color the other night to last him a while. tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 502811600

He won't.  He will claim that he has little to gain from another one because everyone knows he won by a lot.  In fact he's doing Kamala a favor by not debating again so she doesn't have another chance to embarrass herself again.  He really should do it but he's not because the immigrants are coming in and killing our children, the gangs, don't you care about our children?
tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 502811600

that he could still very well win the election underscores how incredibly stupid our country is.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by Trapper Gus 2024-09-12, 09:39

I saw a recommendation to Harris not to debate again.

Maybe because beating up Trump twice might win him the sympathy vote.

In other news the MSM has found the "undecided" Trump voters who still think Trump is best.
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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by sεяεηιτλ 2024-09-12, 09:48

Trapper Gus wrote:I saw a recommendation to Harris not to debate again.

Maybe because beating up Trump twice might win him the sympathy vote.

In other news the MSM has found the "undecided" Trump voters who still think Trump is best.

Not sure on legitimacy of yougov but their poll says 53% of registered independents think Harris won compared to 25 for trump. That's a good thing.

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by DWags 2024-09-12, 10:06

Are we bigots because we despise Walmart wolverines? I despise MAGA’s too. I guess I am.

Difference is I’m not upset at anyone who is something by birth. Skin color, chromosomes, sexual orientations. But I’m being honest by saying I think a little less of you by the choices you make. That includes religion and the Christian nationalism that is running wild.

That picture a while back of those “Christian’s” who wore the shirts calling VP Harris a whore or something of that nature and had their children wear them. I wasn’t pussed at the children, they’ll make their own choices soon enough, but if hating those Christian adults makes me a bigot, I guess I am one.

I don’t know, does that confused logic make sense?

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2024-09-12, 10:11

DWags wrote:Are we bigots because we despise Walmart wolverines?  I despise MAGA’s too.  I guess I am.

Difference is I’m not upset at anyone who is something by birth. Skin color,  chromosomes, sexual orientations.  But I’m being honest by saying I think a little less of you by the choices you make.    That includes religion and the Christian nationalism that is running wild.

That picture a while back of those “Christian’s” who wore the shirts calling VP Harris a whore or something of that nature and had their children wear them.  I wasn’t pussed at the children, they’ll make their own choices soon enough, but if hating those Christian adults makes me a bigot, I guess I am one.

I don’t know, does that confused logic make sense?
makes sense to me and I agree 100%.

I learned a long time ago that arguing with people online is pretty futile. It's best to present yourself in whatever way you choose and folks can decide to take it or leave it.

I think our small but robust population here is a good cross-section of people with different views, posting styles, personas of presentation, etc. There's only a couple of wackos that I chuckle at, that I feel a little bad for to some extent, but they add to the flavor of the environment.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by DWags 2024-09-12, 10:14

Has anybody read Twitter lately or the Insta cart? It’s actually dumbfounding, amusing, and befuddling. It was one thread, where a guy took a close-up of Kamala’s Earrings and said that they were radio receivers and she was getting Intel during the debate through them. Literally there was four or 5000 responses believing him One thread claims, the female moderator was Kamala sorority sister in college Again, Thousands of people believing it. It’s certifiable insanity out there.

Bob’s saying that America is a stupid country needs to be changed America is a country we’re over 50% of the people are certifiably insane

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2024-09-12, 10:19

DWags wrote:Has anybody read Twitter lately or the Insta cart?  It’s actually dumbfounding, amusing, and befuddling.   It was one thread, where a guy took a close-up of Kamala’s Earrings and said that they were radio receivers and she was getting Intel during the debate through them.  Literally there was four or 5000 responses believing him    One thread claims, the female moderator was Kamala sorority sister in college   Again, Thousands of people believing it.  It’s certifiable insanity out there.

Bob’s saying that America is a stupid country needs to be changed   America is a country we’re over 50% of the people are certifiably insane  
yeah, I always thought I was being pretty kind when I simply leave it at "America is a stupid country".

I'm hoping.. and I don't know - I don't really participate in society very often - but I'm hoping that online bubbles are isolated within their echo chamber and they're not representative of the greater public, the greater electorate.

I realize that this sort of view is simplistically naive, especially after what happened in 2016. I mean, even here at tSwill we see people mocking a woman who laughs, extolling the virtue of assault rifles, minimizing school shootings by blaming children - ("if we didn't have children, there would be no school shootings")...

unfortunately, it is the world we live in and I hope the disconnect we see online isn't a precise lens into the culture America has become. I may be naive, but I will forever believe that there are more of us than there are of them and that decency can and will prevail.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2024-09-12, 10:49

DWags wrote:Has anybody read Twitter lately or the Insta cart?  It’s actually dumbfounding, amusing, and befuddling.   It was one thread, where a guy took a close-up of Kamala’s Earrings and said that they were radio receivers and she was getting Intel during the debate through them.  Literally there was four or 5000 responses believing him    One thread claims, the female moderator was Kamala sorority sister in college   Again, Thousands of people believing it.  It’s certifiable insanity out there.

Bob’s saying that America is a stupid country needs to be changed   America is a country we’re over 50% of the people are certifiably insane  
I saw a Democrat that said “why can’t they just accept that their guy lost the debate? When Biden lost the debate democrats all agreed that we needed a change” I thought about it and then blacked out a little bit 

tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQK52m5aGpWadyCNZ4YuvuRX43tHmu9fIsF9A&s

Anyway people are stupid everywhere. I have enjoyed people saying “Kamala must have had the questions beforehand!” As if getting questions about current events, abortion, guns, and the economy is some kind of unforeseeable event in a presidential debate
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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2024-09-12, 11:51

aualum06 wrote:

imagine hating America so much that you're propping up Venezuela as beacon of virtue.

a) it's hard to believe how far republicans/libertarians have fallen.

b) good for this reporter. It would be nice if all areas of the mainstream media were this committed to the truth.
Robert J Sakimano
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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by Pervis Muldoon 2024-09-12, 12:56

DWags wrote:Has anybody read Twitter lately or the Insta cart? It’s actually dumbfounding, amusing, and befuddling. It was one thread, where a guy took a close-up of Kamala’s Earrings and said that they were radio receivers and she was getting Intel during the debate through them. Literally there was four or 5000 responses believing him One thread claims, the female moderator was Kamala sorority sister in college Again, Thousands of people believing it. It’s certifiable insanity out there.

Bob’s saying that America is a stupid country needs to be changed America is a country we’re over 50% of the people are certifiably insane

I really struggle to understand those people, and I interact with one on a regular basis. All information must serve Trump. If it doesn’t serve Trump, it must be twisted to serve Trump. If it can’t be twisted, it must be discarded. I don’t believe in my mom the way MAGAs believe in Trump, and I love my mom.
Pervis Muldoon
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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by sεяεηιτλ 2024-09-12, 13:02

Pervis Muldoon wrote:
DWags wrote:Has anybody read Twitter lately or the Insta cart?  It’s actually dumbfounding, amusing, and befuddling.   It was one thread, where a guy took a close-up of Kamala’s Earrings and said that they were radio receivers and she was getting Intel during the debate through them.  Literally there was four or 5000 responses believing him    One thread claims, the female moderator was Kamala sorority sister in college   Again, Thousands of people believing it.  It’s certifiable insanity out there.

Bob’s saying that America is a stupid country needs to be changed   America is a country we’re over 50% of the people are certifiably insane  

I really struggle to understand those people, and I interact with one on a regular basis. All information must serve Trump. If it doesn’t serve Trump, it must be twisted to serve Trump. If it can’t be twisted, it must be discarded. I don’t believe in my mom the way MAGAs believe in Trump, and I love my mom.

It's pure unadulterated insanity, so insane that if they keep this crap up they are going to eventually have the left vying for actual weaponized justice department to tamp these idiots out in true communist fashion.  They literally ignore all other pieces of info from anything that's not fed directly from trump.  I honestly don't understand how someone can actually legitimately think that way as it's so far from my nature to be basically alien to me. The more they are proven wrong the more they move the goal posts and/or push back harder with the same vomit. It just doesn't make any sense.

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by InTenSity 2024-09-12, 13:17

They have been told that the press is lying to them and anything they hear, see or read that comes form mainstream media sources is pulling the wool over their eyes. They only pay attention to a circular information center. They source 'tweets' or other forms of social media as being true and that goes through the conservative eco system as true. All other info is false. The Justice Dept unseals or proves that Russians are paying Americans for spreading disinformation and again they say that its the MSM spreading lies. They live in a completely different world and it is full of paranoia and distrust.

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Post by GRR Spartan 2024-09-12, 13:34

Are all Christians “bad people”?  No.

In my view any “christian” (small case intentional) who has to tell you within the first 30-60 minutes of meeting you they are “A Christian” do not have a live and let live view on a multitude of subjects from controlling women’s lives including medical decisions, insisting their version “God” should be a major force in political decisions (see Israel) and use it to justify treating people differently based on religious, gender preference and race when it suits their goals.

I agree with Bobby Sak when interacting with self-labeled “Christians”

You think you are a Christian. Live your life so people recognize it rather than having to tell them.
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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by TravelinMan 2024-09-12, 13:46

InTenSity wrote:They have been told that the press is lying to them and anything they hear, see or read that comes form mainstream media sources is pulling the wool over their eyes. They only pay attention to a circular information center. They source 'tweets' or other forms of social media as being true and that goes through the conservative eco system as true. All other info is false. The Justice Dept unseals or proves that Russians are paying Americans for spreading disinformation and again they say that its the MSM spreading lies. They live in a completely different world and it is full of paranoia and distrust.

As someone who listens to everything from far left to far right media, I can tell you that you can find a news source to validate your opinions no matter how batshit insane they may be. People don't need to question themselves or stop and think critically anymore. You want to believe they're eating cats in Ohio? Glenn Beck will tell you it's true. Want to believe Trump is colluding with Russian operatives to steal the election? Ana Cabrera has you covered.

We need Walter Cronkite to come into our living rooms and tell us "That's the way it was - and if you don't believe me, you're a fucking idiot - September 12, 2024."

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tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread.. - Page 3 Empty Re: tOfficial Presidential "Debate" Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2024-09-12, 14:21

I think the racist, bigoted, christian sexual predator, convicted rapist and convicted felon should agree to another debate for one reason only:

to yell out the n-word at the top of his lungs.

that would definitely shore up any wavering republican/libertarians.
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Post by aualum06 2024-09-12, 16:44


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