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Hurricane Milton

I.B. Fine
Travis of the Cosmos
Robert J Sakimano
GRR Spartan
Heat Miser
Jake from State Farm
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Hurricane Milton - Page 4 Empty Re: Hurricane Milton

Post by tGreenWay 2024-10-10, 22:10

MiamiSpartan wrote:
tGreenWay wrote:

IIRC, Cooper earned his street cred reporting on the first Iraq War. He went there on his own, not long out of college, I think, and filed reports for any news org wanting a personalized report.
The whole hurricane coverage is ridiculous. It became a badge of courage among reporters and anchors after networks got their butts kicked in coverage by Hurricane Dan Rather.
I’ve said for a long time it’s only a matter of time before one of the reporters gets killed from flying debris. Cooper was lucky it wasn’t a piece of metal that clocked him.
You want video? Fine. Stick cams out there. But reporters add nothing being in the field during the storm itself and as has already been said, we all think they’re morans for doing what they’re telling others not to do.
The same can be said here in the north during massive snowstorms.
It's made even worse by the social media influencers wanting views. Not just storm chasers, but I heard about random influences heading to Tampa. It really is a matter of time before someone trying to get the most dramatic shot possible ends up dying in the process.

Good point about influencers. I hadn’t even thought about them going to the scene of a natural disaster, during the disaster itself. Pathetic.
Storm chasers kind of piss me off, some of them anyway. The way they drive puts other motorists at risk. And the way they cheer about massive tornados without recognizing the cost to life and property seems heartless.
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Hurricane Milton - Page 4 Empty Re: Hurricane Milton

Post by duffy munn 2024-10-10, 22:24

Floyd Robertson wrote:
MiamiSpartan wrote:
I never realized it was a soft top until this happened. Maybe because it's flat and not like the Silverdome, etc.

It does make me remember the Silverdome's roof collapsing from snow in the 80s.

I remember that very well, too. The Pistons were playing in the Silverdome, of course, but when the roof collapsed I actually went to a playoff game (against the Knicks or Nets?) held at Joe Louis.

Knicks. Bernard King just scored again.
duffy munn

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