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Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November

GRR Spartan
Robert J Sakimano
Travis of the Cosmos
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Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November  Empty Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 11/11/24, 02:07 pm

Or rather, it should be a different day.

The rest of the world celebrates armistice day today to celebrate the end of WWI. In the 50s, we decided we wanted the day to celebrate all veterans not just WWI ones, so we changed it to Veterans Day. Just have to be different. 

But you know what? We don’t have nearly enough holidays where everybody gets the day off. So switch it back to armistice day. Move Veterans Day to April, smack in the middle of our long nightmare with no federal holidays between February and May. I could also be talked into changing it to a 2 day veteran extravaganza that occurs on the third Thursday and Friday of March and everyone gets those days off except pizza wing and beer distributors
Travis of the Cosmos
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Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November  Empty Re: Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November

Post by Robert J Sakimano 11/11/24, 02:46 pm

I always get a kick out of the mattress holidays..


"sorry that your cousin died in Iraq after an IED attack... want a mattress??"
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November  Empty Re: Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November

Post by GRR Spartan 11/11/24, 02:48 pm

WW1 officially ended 11/11/1918.  The 11th Hour of the 11th month.  

President Wilson declared it Armistice Day in 1919.  Became a Federal Holiday in 1938 when WW2 was a potential most of the world was hoping WW2 could be avoided.

Veteran's Day changes

As a Viet Nam era vet I appreciate the recent VA outreach program to let them know of their services.

I also beleve if our politicians would have kept the draft intact, warts and all rather than switching to an all volunteer military we would have more veterans, the services better represented demographically and most importantly not stayed in Iraq or Afghanistan nearly as long because too many families(voters) would have had skin in the game.

Instead we've seen the military get its ranks filled with "other people" with the services being less selective.  We've also seen the National Guard used way too often for extended deployments because the US Army in particular couldn't meet its recruiting goals.

For those of served you, Thank You.

Last edited by GRR Spartan on 11/11/24, 03:44 pm; edited 2 times in total
GRR Spartan
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Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November  Empty Re: Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 11/11/24, 02:50 pm

I have a better idea- no drafts. Nailed it.

Anyway the point is that we need more federal holidays. I don’t really care what they celebrate. There should be a minimum of 1 a month and I could be talked into 2
Travis of the Cosmos
Travis of the Cosmos

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Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November  Empty Re: Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November

Post by kingstonlake 11/11/24, 03:09 pm

Rename it Suckers and Losers day. Have it February 29th every fourth year. It’s all suckers and losers deserve.
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Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November  Empty Re: Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November

Post by Pervis Muldoon 11/11/24, 03:36 pm

Travis of the Cosmos wrote:Or rather, it should be a different day.

The rest of the world celebrates armistice day today to celebrate the end of WWI. In the 50s, we decided we wanted the day to celebrate all veterans not just WWI ones, so we changed it to Veterans Day. Just have to be different. 

But you know what? We don’t have nearly enough holidays where everybody gets the day off. So switch it back to armistice day. Move Veterans Day to April, smack in the middle of our long nightmare with no federal holidays between February and May. I could also be talked into changing it to a 2 day veteran extravaganza that occurs on the third Thursday and Friday of March and everyone gets those days off except pizza wing and beer distributors

This needs to be part of the Democrats’ platform in 2028.
Pervis Muldoon
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Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November  Empty Re: Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November

Post by Pervis Muldoon 11/11/24, 03:37 pm

kingstonlake wrote:Rename it Suckers and Losers day. Have it February 29th every fourth year. It’s all suckers and losers deserve.

This needs to be part of the Republicans’ platform in 2028.
Pervis Muldoon
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Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November  Empty Re: Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November

Post by PennSpartan 11/11/24, 03:54 pm

Progressives work from home so they’re on holiday 365 days a year. I’m sure Bernie can increase the calendar to 400 days so you can have more.

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Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November  Empty Re: Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 11/11/24, 04:06 pm

PennSpartan wrote:Progressives work from home so they’re on holiday 365 days a year.  I’m sure Bernie can increase the calendar to 400 days so you can have more.
On holiday? Look at this British mother fucker
Travis of the Cosmos
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Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November  Empty Re: Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November

Post by PennSpartan 11/11/24, 04:14 pm

Travis of the Cosmos wrote:
PennSpartan wrote:Progressives work from home so they’re on holiday 365 days a year.  I’m sure Bernie can increase the calendar to 400 days so you can have more.
On holiday? Look at this British mother fucker
Well my Grandmother was born in Cornwall. You know, pasties and mining and all that stuff. I guess that’s why the immigrated legally to the U.P. Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November  2599972566

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Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November  Empty Re: Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November

Post by kingstonlake 11/11/24, 05:47 pm

Congrats to Penns grandmother for being white and able read (immigration act of 1917). Such a high hurdle to clear…. Plus the odds are not low that she immigrated illegally via Canada.
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Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November  Empty Re: Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November

Post by Trapper Gus 13/11/24, 07:49 am

I went to a Veteran's Day event on Monday and was appalled to find out that the right-wing Christian crazies have turned the act of folding the flag up in a triangle, originally done so it would easily unfurl on a mast, has been turned into a weird Christian ritual.

I really don't wish to go to a national holiday event and have religion thrown in my face.
Trapper Gus
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Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November  Empty Re: Veterans Day shouldn’t exist in November

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