Spartan Swill
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how do I reply to topics?

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how do I reply to topics? Empty how do I reply to topics?

Post by blanch32 2014-04-16, 18:57

Cannot figure out on Mobile.


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how do I reply to topics? Empty Re: how do I reply to topics?

Post by Giant Moose 2014-04-16, 20:00

Yeah, mobile still needs some work. As is it reminds me of something Noah would come up with.
Giant Moose
Giant Moose

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how do I reply to topics? Empty Re: how do I reply to topics?

Post by Ruckus 2014-04-16, 20:01

F u c k valid

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how do I reply to topics? Empty Re: how do I reply to topics?

Post by SeeRockCity 2014-04-16, 20:29

blanch32 wrote:Cannot figure out on Mobile.

Under the word "Reply" is a big white text box. Just start typing in there and then hit the send button.
Ephor (Board Steward)
Ephor (Board Steward)

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how do I reply to topics? Empty Re: how do I reply to topics?

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