Spartan Swill
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Swearnet: The Movie

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Swearnet: The Movie Empty Swearnet: The Movie

Post by Cameron 2014-04-16, 22:32

Anyone interested in this? Anyone else a Swearnet subscriber? Even though I subscribe, I hardly ever watch anything on there. What little I've seen I've mostly enjoyed, I just forget about it a lot.

Here's the movie trailer:

Last edited by Cameron on 2014-04-16, 23:04; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2014-04-16
Age : 36
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Swearnet: The Movie Empty Re: Swearnet: The Movie

Post by Cameron 2014-04-16, 22:37

From the makers of Trailer Park Boys, which you also may not have heard of. But I know the TPB guys have some fans on tRCMB, so I figured I'd post this thread to see if any of them have made it over here yet. Plus I thought the board needed less discussion about the board itself, and more topics for regular conversation.

Posts : 11929
Join date : 2014-04-16
Age : 36
Location : Michigan

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