Spartan Swill
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so why was tanner always banned?

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so why was tanner always banned? Empty so why was tanner always banned?

Post by Blanch32 Wed Apr 16, 2014 10:46 pm

Frankly I usually ignored his flame wars and thought his demand excellence shtick was great. But why was he always banned? I bet I haven't read a true tanner post on trcmb in like 2 years. What was I missing?

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so why was tanner always banned? Empty Re: so why was tanner always banned?

Post by Notorious GiB Wed Apr 16, 2014 10:50 pm

Because Martin Spartan has a hard on for him and just keeps banning him.
Notorious GiB
Notorious GiB

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so why was tanner always banned? Empty Re: so why was tanner always banned?

Post by tanfan! Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:19 pm

Martin spartan used to ask the mods to ban me before he became a mod. They didn't. Then Trevor made him a mid and he made it personal. I was actually shown by another mod a screen shot of who was banning me and it was 90% Martin. The board completely sucks now. It's run by the blowers who would get destroyed here. They can have it.

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so why was tanner always banned? Empty Re: so why was tanner always banned?

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